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Messages - RajRaj

Penton Talk / 1971 125Penton Sixdays REBORN
October 16, 2004, 09:57:16 AM
It´s a fiberglass green one with Sachs engine.

Wanted / For Sale / Front Wheel axle 1971 125 Sixdays
September 26, 2004, 04:54:22 PM
Hi Donny!!

As I told you in the mail... THANKS for the QUICK reply... I´m impressed.
I´ll keep you posted regarding my "project"

Penton Talk / 1971 125Penton Sixdays REBORN
October 16, 2004, 08:17:13 AM
Hi all!!

I just want to share some of my extraordinary happy feelings right now... Yesterday night I started to work with my newly bought Penton. It hadn´t been started since 1977!! and parts are missing etc etc..
But any how, I started to check the engine and ignition and founded that the spark were gone..??![}:)], after a quick change of breaker and kond. I turned the wheel and a clear blue spark occured!!!! Wonderful..
Since the kick is missing I used the second gear trying to get it started, and after only a few meters the engine started!! I´m you guys understand the feeling I had when it happend.

After this the real work starts, gathering parts and as you all now in some cases it´s almost impossible to get what you want.
But Yesterday a friend of mine came to my work to get some parts and I told him about this lovely bike since I know that he in the 80´s worked for the Swedish KTM importer and he told me that he had lots of parts for theese bikes still lying arround in his fathers old garage. Ofcourse I saw a chance here to find some goodies. I don´t know what kind of parts he has but I told him that I´ll buy the lot and after this has been done I can make an inventory list for you to look at if there are something here that you need, we all have to help eachother right..[^]
I will keep you posted futher regarding everything!


Ragnar Sweden
Wanted / For Sale / Front Wheel axle 1971 125 Sixdays
September 26, 2004, 04:06:51 PM
Hi all!
Ragnar from Sweden here! I just joined your amazing list which is stumbled across in my serach for parts for old KTM´s. I got a tip from Sommer-KTM in Germany and here I am!!!
The VIN no on my bike is 10950950. It hasn´t been started for some years now and I need the axle to get started so to say..:D I do hope that someone can help. Please drop a line to [email protected]

