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Messages - six dazed

Wanted / For Sale / mc5 tanks
December 07, 2005, 03:29:08 AM
the tanks have gone to good guy gary ellis.  thanks,ric
Penton Talk / Wishing John Penton A Merry Christmas
December 05, 2005, 12:00:25 AM
Merry Christmas to Mr.Penton and Family,        Thank You for producing the bikes that now take up every single moment of my spare time, and all of my extra money.(and i wouldn't have it any other way!)With this Group i think you can rest assurred your fantastic motorcycles will live forever.Thank You Sir.              Happy Holidays,Ric,Malcolm,and Mert Emmal                        p.s.Malcolm and Mert are my golden retrievers but they like the Pentons Too!They never mark them!

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted : left Crank Half for 125/6b
December 04, 2005, 11:32:51 PM
brian,looked and looked with no luck,thought i had one half but no dice.i have some more sachs motor parts coming and if theres an extra crank i'll get a hold of you,or check with me in a week or so-i'm twirling a lot of plates right now!take care,ric

ric emmal
Penton Talk / Any POG members in Arizona area
December 04, 2005, 11:23:57 PM
lee,i'm from tucson,az.-don't know of any leasing but i do know of a 76 mc5 very reasonable in phoenix with enough extra parts to build at least one more bike.might be worth your was a class winner in 2004 at the national.2extra motors,frames,tanks,suspensions,pipes,carbs,etc.- he wants 1250.00 for all.its such a good deal i was going to get it but just don't have room and too many other projects could buy it, race it, then sell it all to me for a bit less........if your interested contact me and i'll put you in touch.

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / sachs 7 speed kickstarter
December 02, 2005, 11:19:09 PM
thanks kip,bike is in transit- hope to get it next week, then i'll see what it needs(besides lite kit).it looks real good and stock-probably should just leave it alone for the most part and not restore.see ya,ric   p.s. just found another one,later (75) puch 125 enduro, stock as a we go again!is there a betty ford center for vintage bike addiction?

ric emmal
hi ron, yes i absolutely didn't mention the gentlemen who helped me down the path of my life's passion(besides wine, women, and song!)which is riding and working on motorcycles for a the late 70's and early 80's these guys taught me lessons,and little tricks of the trade which still help me everyday.a big thank you to-Matt Chizum,Chuck Burnett,and Fred Wing of American Honda.Great instructors and fine people as well.Also my mentor when i was a kid of 15 who made me quit the parts dept.and took me under his wing,helped with my racing,and teaching me to wrench T.C.- Terry Carter-if your out there Terry I miss ya buddy!But enough about me............thanks guys,ric

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted : left Crank Half for 125/6b
November 29, 2005, 09:40:09 PM
hi brian,i will be sorting out my sachs motor parts in the next day or so-(hopefully tomorrow) and may have something for you.check with me tomorrow nite if you still need it.   take care,ric

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / sachs 7 speed kickstarter
November 29, 2005, 09:33:34 PM
hi all!i got in touch with Speedy and after a bit of begging,a**kissing,etc. he very graciously has decided to take me under his wing so to speak and help me find the parts i need.super,super nice guy!he made me promise that the bike will never,ever,ever see an e bay auction and that it will see action at the reunion rides,vinduro events etc.abso*******lutely a deal.i also aquired a puch 175 mx that Mr. Wilford is helping me source parts for as well.thanks Doug-very much appreciated.actually for the puch i need to find a factory optional "trials kit"(enduro kit)or a list of the contents of the enduro kit.i'm really not a traitor just wanted something a bit different for the always expanding collection .NO i'm not selling my jackpiners or any of the other pentons-had to buy the herc to get 3 sachs 6b motors and a rusty old hare scrambler.the herc and an old maico came with the other stuff.The Puch,well its bone stock and was just too good to pass up.looks like my projects plate is almost full for a while.thanks to all who have helped me with info, parts, etc.and if you have some stuff to sell or trade for either of these ODDBALLS,please contact me-happy holidays!,ric

ric emmal
skip,did you find the taillite and bracket?do you have a part# and/or source and do they have any more.i was going to check vintage cosmo(cosmopoliton motors)as they seem to have a lot of cev parts.a point in the right direction would really help-i need to spend less time browsing and more time in the garage wrenching!thanks much and good luck on your 71(i now have 3 71's and am working on the getting the  4th one.)  see ya!, ric

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / KOBA Shift Kits.
November 19, 2005, 11:10:39 PM
donny you're right,when the bike i raced was new and adjusted it worked great.only after time and a dimwitted teenager's abuse(yours truly) did any problem pop up.i'm just not sure the koba kit improved was my sponsors bike and he had kit installed.   ric

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / KOBA Shift Kits.
November 19, 2005, 09:09:31 PM
hi john,back in the 70's i raced mx on a six days with the koba kit.if i remember correctly there was a slight improvement if you were a quick shift type of guy.however,this i remember clearly-the shift from 1st to 2nd-usually on the way to the firstturn(hi ron!)was still still had to take your time and think about that shift and as you said hold it a hair longer.i used my heel on the way back to the footpeg with my foot to shift to second but tried it both ways and it was still a hit or miss(literally)proposition.patience was golden,but its hard to be patient in the heat of battle.this one drawback,plus the fact i worked for a honda dealer convinced me to get a cr125 when they first came out.anyway,is the kit a huge improvement?i doubt it.the penton when new, shifted at least as good as the koba kitted motor.i think proper adjustment and maintenence are the keys as well as getting used to the way it shifts when set up properly and find what works best for you.and of course fresh selector keys etc..doug wilford's explanation of the gearbox and its workings and adjustment is very helpful.that was in a previous question in this column,hope it wasn't lost in the crash..there's my 2 cents,ric

ric emmal
Penton Talk / SIXPINER?175
November 16, 2005, 09:00:53 PM
Paul,ok i think i got the 74 piner frame is more like my 250 frame, while the black motored piner frame is closer to i now on the right track?is there much of a weight difference between early piner and 125 frames?thanks for all your input guys.see ya,ric

ric emmal
Penton Talk / SIXPINER?175
November 16, 2005, 10:19:41 AM
i'll have to look at my black motored piner closer when i get home from work, but it starts with a 7 301 vin.does that make it a 73?its frame look very similar to the 125's,while my 74 piner frame looks different though i haven't totally unwrapped it yet.well,gotta go work on some modern bikes(boo!)to put more pentons in the garage.more later.thanks,ric

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / mc5 tanks
November 15, 2005, 05:16:44 PM
hi chuck,yes i'm interested-i'll email you have a use for these two?any others who emailed me on this please try again,all my recent emails got flushed.  thanks,ric-    [email protected]

ric emmal
Wanted / For Sale / mc5 tanks
November 15, 2005, 09:49:50 AM
chris,looking for watermellon,but either would do-i don't have any use for these.  thanks,ric         p.s. the tunnel on there is narrow at front and gets very wide at rear with 2and a quarter inch  tab sticking out of bottom rear.the white one has been riveted along bottom edge a la METTCO.

ric emmal