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Messages - bracing33

Wanted / For Sale / cyl & piston
January 19, 2006, 10:33:40 PM
I'm in need of a piston and rings for a 175?  My piston that came out of this was a 64.45mm.  A .020" over would be nice.  Also maybe a sunburst cylinder.  Any Ideas!
Penton Talk / carbs
November 28, 2005, 05:02:48 PM
I have a '74 Jackpiner 175.  The carb was missing on this ride.  I bought a old Penton dealer out of his remaining stock, but no Amal carb.  He did have a Bing, but did'nt have a spigot adaptor.

Which would carb worked better on this machine?  Where could I find the right spigot adaptor for the Bing?