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Messages - yourtrash-mytreasure

Wanted / For Sale / Penton Parts for Sale
March 03, 2010, 07:46:33 PM
Hi Ron,

Just thought I'd let you know that I will be driving past your place on my way to California on Saturday in case you have someone interested in buying one of your bikes and you need one delivered.

Good Luck with your sales.

Glenn Adams

Over 30,000 Vintage Parts
Still have space available if anyone needs something delivered.  Thanks!

Over 13,000 Vintage Parts
January 24, 2008, 08:01:05 PM
I would be very careful shipping to Italy.  The postal system there is very unorganized.  I would only ship express and insure everything.  I have a person who filed a claim with Paypal although the tracking shows it was delivered.

My .02 cents

Over 13,000 Vintage Parts
Almost Forgot....Can also provide follow-on transportation to the Vintage Festival @ Barber in Oct.

Over 13,000 Vintage Parts
Update: Rates are $150 up to the event and due to limited room $200 back.  Thanks!

Over 13,000 Vintage Parts
Still Have plenty of room left.  Will be driving thru Indianapolis on the way up.  Thanks to all who have already contacted me.

Glenn Adams

Over 13,000 Vintage Parts
The Guy in Florida will be meeting me in Houston and may be able to transport bikes further east towards his home in Pensacola.  See Ya Monday.

Over 6600 Vintage Parts
Update:  I have just acquired a larger 24 Trailer and can offer transport back from Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura Counties (and any place in between) to Austin and Houston Texas.

Will be leaving Austin on Jan 15th and returning around the 20-21st.

Thanks you for your continued support.

Over 6600 Vintage Parts
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted 35mm forks
January 02, 2007, 10:20:39 PM
Hi Chuck,

I have a complete setup still on a 250 Harescramble.  

Glenn Adams

Over 6600 Vintage Parts
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted a KTM 175 starter shaft
January 02, 2007, 10:13:31 PM
I should have one.

Over 6600 Vintage Parts
Thanks for the references and kind words.  Will be leaving for Los Angeles on Saturday and still have room available both ways.  My rates are very very reasonable and are door to door.

Thanks All!

Too Many Bikes....Too Little Time

Just got to Mansfield.  Will be offering transportation back as well.  I can be reached on my cell 512-947-4536 and will be in space JJ1.

Thanks All!

Too Many Bikes....Too Little Time
Penton Talk / Who's Ohio Bound
July 16, 2006, 04:51:25 PM
I will be there again this year.  Can offer transportation to and from Austin, Texas and points along the way.  Thanks!

Too Many Bikes....Too Little Time
Update:  I will be in space JJ1 at Mid Ohio.

Have plenty of room left.

Too Many Bikes....Too Little Time
Wanted / For Sale / re: Transportation for Penton
July 02, 2006, 04:39:54 PM
I will be going up to Mid Ohio.  I can be reached at 512-947-4536.  Please see my post for more info.


Too Many Bikes....Too Little Time