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Messages - ChromeGuy

Penton Racing Talk / Favorite Penton?
July 23, 2006, 01:36:50 AM
I just found this site and had to add my White Mint 400 I had the 2nd 400 to be ship to west coast I had to wait a long time the first one went to a factory rider I was told.At the time I could ony get a MX and  I rode enduros so had to buy the big tank and change the exhast.I was the only guy to have the white Mint 400 in N Cal enduros It was great at the starting line the other 4 riders must of thought i was a pro or some body because they would wait for me to start and lead. I had only rode for about a year and  so sometimes I look like a pro and their was other times the stories was more fun after the race. I rode with a great bunch of Guys in Stockton Ca if any of you read this I would like to hear from you ---Gary Standifer PS I still have that Mint 400