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Messages - Ronnie Woods

Wanted / For Sale / 76 JACKPINER and 71 PENTAHA on ebay
September 03, 2006, 07:02:34 PM
Jay, I am trying to find a 175 Jackpiner to purchase.  I envy you with 12 Pentons.  Ride KTMs today and have two 200 KTMs.  Had a 380 KTM but sold it as it was to much of a horse for me.  Would like to contact to discuss best source to find a Penton to restore.
Quotequote:Originally posted by Jay Jones

Hi"Guys!                                                                                                                                            Hey Larry" I liked your Yamaha/Penton and thought your 175 was very nice!TOO!Guys,Please quit confusing me with your so called (JERKS)OK!I am a real person!and have 12 pentons and like other brands too!Im still kinda new,and haven't ever said anything disrespectful so,quit the crap ok!(Pentonmaster) be careful what you say on here because alot of Poggers take stuff personal,and you don't just come on a web page and call The Pentonmans ideas stupid!OK!Or anyone elses?You would not like a person calling something you put alot of time in stupid I bet, so lets keep the(Golden Rule)in mind!here!hope I did'nt step on too many toes here!thanks Jay":)Larry,got any others for sale?