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Messages - paul a. busick

Penton Talk / George Singler passes
March 15, 2021, 01:08:59 PM
George was one of the pioneers in the early scrambles days and one of the first to lead the way in the beginning days of motocross.  George will be remembered as the rider going fast in his unorthodox riding gear with an ear to ear smile on his face. We will miss you George. Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / George Singler Smith Rd raceway
March 02, 2021, 02:15:47 PM
Greg,  Do you have George's address, or email?  I'd like to send a card to him. THANKS,
Penton Talk / Message Board Back Up!
January 11, 2021, 10:48:34 AM
Karen,  Thank you for all your work done on the POG site.  You are the one that keeps it going.  Thanks again. Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / Web sight trouble
December 08, 2020, 01:54:05 PM
I like that one. :D Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / Happy Thanksgiving!
November 26, 2020, 12:14:43 PM
I second that and may we all realize how good we really have it.  The first THANKSGIVING was just that.  Giving thanks for still being alive and having food on the table to sharing with family and friends. Bless us all.  Amherst Paul
November 17, 2020, 02:27:45 PM
I didn't start my second stint of motorcycling until 1995-so there were  a lot of riders and history that I didn't know about. How ever I did have a lot of contact with Carl through the POG, Penton family and the 6 Day Reunion events that AHRMA put on.  Carl was a gent and always full of good stories about his roll in motorcycling.  I and all who knew him will miss him. My condolence to his family. May I see him down the dusty trail. Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / ***November Meeting***
October 29, 2020, 08:33:24 AM
Am I missing something[?]  Amherst Paul
Ollie is gone, but surely not forgotten. Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / New Philly Hare Scrambles
September 15, 2020, 10:27:21 AM
Hi All,  The Husky (I believe) is a 1967/68 250 cc. It has a small head pipe. 4 speed right side gear shift, narrow seat, sunken air cleaner cover, 21 inch front wheel and 2 piece frame.  I had a 1967, 360 that came with a 19 inch front wheel, which I changed to a 21. Edison Dye thought that the desert riders would not buy the Huskys if they had a skinny front tire. So the first ones were shipped with 19 inch front wheels. This info may not hold water as many of the early Huskys were built from any parts that were on the shelf. Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / The Beginnings
June 25, 2020, 12:46:07 PM
I remember those early days.  I had a couple of Bultacos that were not very reliable and needed a maximum effort to keep them going. after I had my belly full of the Spanish stuff.  I decided to find another band.  At that time I was hanging around the Honda shop when the first Huskys came in. JP and Micky Pohrance were campaigning a pair of 250 Huskys.  These were a couple of the first to come to this country.  They arrived with 15 inch front wheels (as did my 360) and did pretty well on the TT Courses.  Then the Euros started showing up to demonstrate their bikes and show us what MotoCross was all about. A bunch of us boys made a trip to Pepperell, Mass. to watch DeCoster, Joel and their CZs. We were amazed at their riding ability and the CZs they rode. Ralph Haslage sold me the first 360 shipped to JP. This bike turned me in to an instant winner. Shortly there after, I broke my left thumb (4 pins and a cast) and was unable to work or ride. So I had nothing but time on my hands and nothing to do.  I put a lot of time hanging about the Honda shop watching all the activity. As I remember Fritz Dingel showed up at the shop with a light weight motorcycle. I stood by watching and wondering what kind of a bike it was and what is was good for.  There was much of the goings on between Fritz and John that I missed.  But the long and the short of it was that the Bike stayed with John. Shortly after that Jackie broke the steering head off the bike. Ted Penton mended the bike. John with my assistance returned the Hansa (KTM) to the Hansa House in Cleveland.  Much discussing and cussing was traded between Fritz and JP. That was that.  Later on the first of the Penton Brand started showing up at the Honda SHOP. And as they say - the rest is history.  I Hope that memory as served, for that was a long time ago.  Amherst Paul :D
Penton Talk / Plastic Fuel Tank Restoration
May 10, 2020, 10:32:59 PM
I had entered my suggestions here on repairs of fiberglass tanks a long time ago and it is the same with plastic tanks.  The tank must be very clean. Make a rotisserie.  Put a hand full of dry wall screws into tank and let it go round and round.  Next, wash tank out with acetone to wash out dirt, etc..  You will need to purchase a chemical grade EPOXY. It is best to rotate the tank
by hand to evenly distribute the resin to the inside of tank. Check with the WEST SYSTEM people. Email address----
 [email protected]  I'm sure that they have updated their epoxys over the years since I last commented on this subject. Tell them what you are trying to do, they a very helpful and may provide better ideas them I have. I hope that this may be of help to you plastic tank members.  The usual disclaimers are in place-so continue at your own risk :D Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / Anybody know this guy?
March 26, 2020, 08:01:03 PM
John Cobb was a top machinist, this ability helped greatly with his tuning.  About his clean shop.  It was said, that if you brought a bike to his shop, it had better be clean.  If not, John would tell the customer in no uncertain terms-to get that filthy thing off his property.  As to Turp Cobb, he was his brother. Turp has or had (have not stop there lately) a small shop shop in Lorain, Ohio. He offered service on just about anything that was internal combustion as well as machine work and welding.  John closed his shop and went south, the last I knew is was working in a marina. The last time I saw John was at Midohio during the vintage days.  Those of us that knew him, really miss him.  Rest easy John.  Amherst Paul
Hi All,  I'm just around the corner from J.P. and I can hear him now going off on the virus thing. As a 80year old I can tell you that things have changed here.  The price per gallon of gas has dropped to the $1.50 mark at most stations.  What a pity that there is no place to go, except the gas station or grocery store. One thing good for me is being able to take a good long walk and blow the stink off. Not too many people to bump into. Big day tomorrow, I will be going for food stuff at the butt crack of dawn.  The Giant Eagle will be opening it's door from 6 am to 7 am for seniors ONLY. We have not had to shop for the past month.  So the first stop will be the toilet paper isle.  Wish me luck.  Speaking of TP.  The GOV. has finally figured out why there has been such a run on the stuff and here it is.  If on person sneezes(wait for it)10 people **** their pants. LOL  So much for the gallows humor. Everybody keep a stiff up lip and all that rot.  See you down OLD DUSTY.  :)  Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / Thank you Dale Fisher
November 12, 2019, 02:11:02 PM
Also - my thanks to Dale.  I carried the yellow box for a while too when Doug Wilford needed a hand.  So I know what the job is like.  Thanks again Dale.  Amherst Paul
Penton Talk / Quinn Wentzel racing videos
September 06, 2019, 11:06:45 PM
WOW & DOUBLE WOW!!!!  What talent !!!!![:0]  Amherst Paul