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Messages - rokoncarl

Penton Talk / Jackpiner kicker problems
May 31, 2007, 11:15:32 AM
i have a 73 jackpiner with a kicker problem it will not catch. Put a new stop bolt in and unwound spring 1 revolution and kicker was working for about 20-30 kicks and now we are back to the same problem as before. Anybody else ever seen or had this problem before? i will appreciate any comments or suggestions, thanks Rokoncarl
Penton Talk / Sealing Magnesium Cases
December 28, 2006, 11:24:20 AM
Hello i am rebuilding a 73 jackpiner and was wondering what is the best was to seal the engine cases when the magnesium is starting to pit. Has anybody used Glyptal to seal the cases have used it on old harley cases to seal the porosity of the old cast cases with no problems. just wondering, thanks