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Messages - matt weisman

Penton Talk / Looking for Spring
February 06, 2001, 01:29:07 AM
Paul, you, Al Beuhner and Doug Wilford did the bulk of the work for the Marquee tent and deserve a big hand of applause for how well the Penton Marquee Tent display came off last year. Do you remember that nice man that came all the way from Mars and brought his own trees and bushes? And how about that guy from Texas that had to hold that stiff- as-a-board look in the Hi-Point display for four days, but still managed to change his hats with out moving his arms! Barb.  P.S. Here is a little story for the history buffs of Penton trivia. One time on the way back from Illinois, in the Penton Cycleliner, I was recuited to drive the bus.  I had no such experience before and was told not to brake or shift gears, just wake someone up when we were almost out of gas.  It was dark and that liner got a whole lot bigger when I sat down at the steering wheel, but all went well on our trip home to Ohio.

Penton Talk / Looking for Spring
February 04, 2001, 04:51:01 PM
Finally signed up to chat with all of you. Barb and I had a great time attending the Vintage Days West and Mid-Ohio last year and seeing many of you I haven't seen in so many years. Barbs working right now putting photo albums together of all the displays we helped set-up and attended. Looking for spring and thinking about this years upcoming POG events. I should know most of the questions many of you ask for, but it's hard seperating all the years out. I do remember making the green Penton Pennants and do not believe I have one in my collection of Penton stuff. I believe I made them about "72 or "73. Another little item I made was a Penton coin purse. These where green with the Penton logo. John always keep his change in one of these and thought it would be a great promotion piece. We also made one for Husqvarna.