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Messages - Mike Vorndran

Penton Talk / changing c/shaft seal on 125
February 27, 2016, 11:19:36 AM
Hi, my bike is a 1973 DKW 125 Hornet (motocross) model, yellow tank. I have had it for about 25 years and has finished the Vegas to Reno offroad race in 1998.I have set this one up to campaign the D-37 GP series on this year with two second places so far. I have stock gearing, elephant ear handguards, brake snake, and fitted a Mikuni on it. I must say the Mikuni makes it fun to ride again! The 3rd round is next Saturday at Glen Helen and will let you know how it goes there. Thanks for the interest! (by the way, what is that c/shaft seal size?) Mikey V.
Penton Talk / changing c/shaft seal on 125
February 27, 2016, 12:49:19 AM
Paul, thank you for your input. The end of the shaft is good where it goes into the side cover. I am currently running an ignition only cover and have the shaft end plugged. The fluid is only on the case on the rear of the c/shaft sprocket, which leads me to feel that the seal is bad. ( it is after all how old?) I run 600cc of 80wt gear oil, which is what I believe is suggested. The seal is out and waiting for a replacement. Fun time!
Penton Talk / changing c/shaft seal on 125
February 26, 2016, 11:29:14 AM
how about the seal size? so I can have one ready. prepping for fun!
Penton Talk / changing c/shaft seal on 125
February 26, 2016, 02:23:06 AM
I need to change the seal on the countershaft, and am wondering if it can be done from the outside.