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Messages - Doofus

Penton Talk / How to seal carb to inlet stub??
July 15, 2018, 07:32:04 PM
I got a 10 m length of foil backed heat resistant mylar tape from an ebay search. It was very cheap and usually used for hydroponic greenhouses. See link
Penton Talk / How to seal carb to inlet stub??
July 11, 2018, 11:18:39 AM
Yessss!!!! The mylar tape worked. Great tip. Just back from her first decent test run. Nothing fell off or puked.
 I'm running a new 2.74 main jet and needle, 2nd notch, which does let her rev out with some decent power but no afterburner effect that I had before. Just glad to have got her going for now. I'll play with other jets later once I've looked at the plug tip.
 Thanks All.
Penton Talk / How to seal carb to inlet stub??
June 28, 2018, 12:33:43 PM
Thanks Kevin. Top tip!
Penton Talk / How to seal carb to inlet stub??
June 28, 2018, 11:03:05 AM
Difficult as the carb fits directly to the stub and there's little room to do anything different from what KTM intended. \I ned a fuel proof sealant I think as the gap I need to seal is microns thin.
Penton Talk / 76 250 MC5 carb settings
April 17, 2018, 05:47:33 PM
Thanks Mike. I'll get the carb sorted at least to some accepted settings first.

The bike did run away a couple of times too and it wasn't a sticking slide. I do suspect an air leak but wanted to exclude worn carb issues first and then move on.


New needle but need to replace the jet. Slide has slightly smiley features!! All will be changed.

Thanks agin all. Great advice and info.
Penton Talk / 76 250 MC5 carb settings
April 09, 2018, 02:41:50 PM

Dankeschoen!! No idea how to type an umlaut!!

I'll check that out.

Vielen Dank!
Penton Talk / 76 250 MC5 carb settings
April 07, 2018, 05:14:51 PM
Thanks guys. The slide is worn and will be replaced. I have a new needle and now just have to get the correct jets. Carl, thanks for those numbers. I'll give them a go.
Penton Talk / 76 250 MC5 jetting
August 16, 2017, 12:53:29 PM
Thanks All. I didn't know the stock needle jet size for my baseline so I'll follow advice and try a new 285. I have to say the one I removed looks OK and not ovaled, but almost impossible to detect I guess using 56 year old eyes!. Slide looks OK. I'll let you know how I get on.
Wanted / For Sale / 77 MC5 250 for sale - UK
June 06, 2021, 05:02:36 AM
My lovely Moiseev tribute bike for sale. It's on ebay but happy to sell to true afficionados. Just PM if interested.
Penton Talk / How to seal carb to inlet stub??
June 26, 2018, 12:19:25 PM
Could anyone advise the best sealing method for my Bing 54 onto an MC5 inlet stub? The fit is not good enough with the bike I have and a previous owner placed a thin metal "lining" inside the carb. It must be source of an air leak I've been trying to cure, so I'm looking for any other methods or materials used. Thanks for any advice.
Penton Talk / 76 250 MC5 carb settings
April 05, 2018, 04:21:48 PM
Hi, can someone let me know the standard Bing 54 carb settings for a 1976 MC5 250? The carb mounted is a 54/36/101. I assume that is correct?? If yes I need to know stock jet sizes and any other useful tips. I've really struggled with the set up and now I'm questioning the basics, probably far later than I should have! Bike starts ok but runs like a pig, burbling at the low rev range and very hard to sustain good power. When it does pick up and clear it's lungs it's like an exocet missile. Just doesn't sustain it. I'm going to get all new parts and work through it, just need to know what to buy.  Any help gratefully received.
Penton Talk / 76 250 MC5 jetting
August 14, 2017, 02:48:30 PM
Can anyone let me know their successful jetting spec for a 1976 250 MC5.

I'm having really bad over fuelling problems in the mid range. I'm going to be experimenting with a new needle jet at 2.74 down from 2.85 and a brand new needle. Just curious to know what other owners have settled on. The bike is not run at altitude. Thanks in advance.