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Messages - 2008ktmGS6

Hi Everybody,

my name is Jason. thanks for having me at the forum.

I dont have a Penton, but I love the Penton legacy. I'm trying to build a tribute bike out of my 2008 KTM. I'm using 1977 PENTON/KTM GS6 graphics as an inspiration. i'll be sure to post some pictures when i'm done.

What's the best way to inlay the blue oval KTM on the Penton engine cases?
I want to inlay my RC-4, or possibly even CNC out an oval and tack in a laser-cut KTM and then inlay the blue like a vintage penton case. Opinions? do you think powdercoating could do an inlay?

Also, A friend just bought a 1990 KTM D-XC 600. There's almost no info on these bikes on the internet. He wants to re-create a rally bike/desert racer out of it. Did any of you guys race these back then or have some photos of the 600's in competition?

i'm wondering if any of you guys know people, who know people who might know about these LC-4 600cc D-XC motorcycles and possibly some contacts for discussion groups.

Kindest regards,
Jason, ypsilanti MI