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Messages - Doug Wilford

Penton Talk / November POG meeting
November 02, 2011, 05:50:27 PM
I can be there!
Penton Talk / Sachs crankshaft thread
August 07, 2011, 04:38:50 PM
Just a reminder.   Every threaded part on the right side
of the Sachs engine is: left handed.
Have Fun!
Penton Talk / POG Membership
July 14, 2011, 04:44:27 PM
Thanks for all the pleasant comments.
I am planing to stay an active POG member, and will be
for a few more years.
For those that remember our dog "COCO".  We had her put down
a few months ago, she is highly missed, but after a quick trip
to Ava,MO. We now have a "Swedish Vallhund" She is AKC and all those other titles a puppy can be. Dot and I have a new puppy now going to call her "Heidi"she is an AAKC purbred, she is as cute as can be.
Thanks and Have Fun!  Doug
Penton Talk / Penton repair video
January 12, 2011, 03:20:13 PM
All I can say right now is:  The subject has been discussed with a few friends.   I will say it is in the plans for this coming year.  My health has kept me out of the garage these past few months, but we are feeling better, and hope things stay that way.
Have Fun!!!!!!!
Penton Talk / Merry CHRISTmas
December 31, 2010, 01:34:43 PM
And  a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!
Penton Talk / Home Page Photo Quiz - September 2010
September 13, 2010, 12:41:28 PM
Bob Rush is right, the other one I am pretty sure of is Mike Rosso.
This picture was the Puch crew in Downington PA 1972 I think.
Have Fun!  Doug
Penton Talk / Home Page Photo Quiz - September 2010
September 09, 2010, 05:17:00 PM
The guy with the Afro and PUCH jersey now owns a Bed and
Breakfast at Put-in-Bay  He iis also a POG member
Penton Talk / Home Page Photo Quiz - September 2010
September 06, 2010, 02:25:52 PM
Dave  Nope!
Penton Talk / Home Page Photo Quiz - September 2010
September 05, 2010, 01:42:18 PM
Art- That was one.   There are a couple more in that picture
Have Fun!  Doug
Penton Talk / Prayers for Doug Wilford
August 11, 2010, 11:24:04 AM
Hello  to all!   Thanks for your prayers, cards and concerns.  One week has gone by and I am doing great!   So far the doctors are super happy with the procedure as it came about.  The little glitch is they wanted to do the procedure micro-scopic.  that changed when the bag broke on removal.  
Now it is time to get my strength back.
Thanks again for your support.
Have Fun!
Penton Talk / Prayers for Thomas Carmichael
April 28, 2010, 10:52:12 AM
Great pictures  The first one must have been taken while going on I-44 going south thru MO.
Thomas, you didn't miss a very good day to play golf yesterday up here anyhow.   It waa my first league night and it was COLD  about 44 degrees and a 20 mph wind from the north (off the lake).  A couple of Aleeve helped.  It was really border line as for the designated Fun category.  I finished 9 at 7 under my age[B)]
Saving the Pro-V1s for better weather.   Prayers and wishes for
you all.
Penton Talk / Prayers for Thomas Carmichael
April 26, 2010, 04:08:06 PM
The cycliner was Green and white the first two windows are over the bunk beds.  We had 2 besides alot of floor space The center (fore and aft) was for the parts wash and had to leave space for tha floor access to the engine, the engine layed on it's side about even with the window just ahead of the side door.  I think the largest load was during the Inter am series.  Wecarried all of the factory huskys plus the americans bikes, only one time did I see the back completely full and that waa because the Ramada Inn Orlando lost all its pool furniture (Sunday night got a little wild some times)  Everyone had a nice place to set for a few weeks.   Going to go play golf tomorrow ( first time this year) Oouch back hurts already.  Love to all
Penton Talk / Steel Tank Questionnaire
March 27, 2010, 04:26:43 PM
Some day in the vary patient future your question may have an answer.   The Steel Tank book has not been forgotten.  We (POG) are a
lot like any large group of workers.   We know the house is burniing,but there are so many small fires in the yard we don't seem to procure the time to put them all out.   Our biggest set back seems to be illustrations.    To take pictures of all the changes in just the 68 will take half the book.  The Penton has no model year.
We tried to keep records of the changes and relate the times of the year that they showed up on the production Penton.   This procedure kept the factory busy and the newest trick stuff in the hands of the Penton owner.   Have Fun! Doug W.
Penton Talk / Donald C. Guthrie RIP
March 21, 2010, 04:22:45 PM
May your Dad rest in peace and God bless. You,and your families.
Doug ,Dot Wilford
Penton Talk / POG meeting
March 01, 2010, 11:41:08 AM
Meeting Time  7:00 PM