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Messages - gasman

Wanted / For Sale / looking for a '74-'75 250
April 30, 2001, 02:07:36 PM
I am interested in any and all bikes.  I prefer one that is in good rideable shape. Let me know what you have and how much you want.

Wanted / For Sale / looking for a '74-'75 250
April 27, 2001, 01:36:27 PM
I have decided to purchase a Penton for vintage class riding.  If you know of any available for sale please contact me at [email protected]

Wanted / For Sale / looking for a '74-'75 250
April 27, 2001, 01:36:22 PM
I have decided to purchase a Penton for vintage class riding.  If you know of any available for sale please contact me at [email protected]
