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Messages - Jim Schneider

Penton Talk / Re: Penton Wassel
November 16, 2022, 12:02:11 PM
I am no authority but I recently sold SN W656ST (not whining, but goodness, it went for an extremely reasonable number).
Somewhere during the many years I owned it I found information on production years and frame numbers. Indications were it was assembled in 1972; and it is one of the higher frame numbers I have seen. The engine identification means very little, I took five Sachs engine cores to assemble the nice running unit it is now. As most folks know the Penton/Wassell project was mostly taken on to use up excess cast iron barrel/head engines in Penton inventory. I believe the project was fairly short-lived. The resulting bikes were beautiful to look at but did not set any high standards in Observed Trials rideability. The enduro versions shared this trait, I'm told. Perhaps a more knowledgeable POG member can expand (or correct) what I have written.
Jim Schneider
You are probably right but I have attempted to edit my listing a dozen times. All my edits seem to go in just fine...and then nothing changes. Selling on eBay has taxed my sanity enough; I just want this to be over and done with.
- Jim
Yeah, they are both mine. The Jackpiner is in the Motorcycle category and the Trials bike is in the Collectables category because of some stupid algorithm eBay applied to it. eBay sure makes it easy to dislike them, I think.
The descriptions I wrote are extensive and quite accurate. The Penton dealer mentioned with both was Bruce Herbison; a fine and generous man who we lost from this life about a year and a half ago.
The bikes are currently being auctioned at painfully (my word) reasonable prices at the moment; less than half their real value, by my investigation. Regardless, they will be sold.
Jim Schneider
616-292-1919 (text only, please, I will call you back).
[email protected]
This discussion brings to the fore what a fine job Al B does with the newsletter. He is another unsung force for good.
Pat shared the first draft of her story with me after sending it to Al. Pat thought it was "too wordy". Al advised her "the wordy ones are the best ones!". It seems Al was correct.
I hope each POG member has such fine Penton memories as Bruce's, Pat's, Paul's, Pete's, and mine.
Odd thing I have to share. In Bruce's duties with the road commission he and I did considerable business together. He purchased repair parts for Champion and John Deere motor graders and John Deere wheel loaders and I was the parts manager for the Grand Rapids dealership which sold them. I knew Bruce for 20 years without a clue to a Penton connection.
Motorsickles never came up. I missed some good times there, I fear.
Enjoy your Pentons, folks.

Penton Talk / Happy Birthday John Penton!
September 05, 2019, 08:10:27 PM
Umm, unless Al already did the same calculation?!?! I defer to Al....he is quite bright on all things Penton and otherwise, I have learned over a while now.
Penton Talk / Happy Birthday John Penton!
September 05, 2019, 08:05:09 PM
A fine point, perhaps, but John, (May he succeed in this life a few more decades) is now in his 95th year.  Just sayin'.
Ride on, John!!
Many, if not most of you Poggers have read the latest Keeping Track newsletter by now.
The cover story concerns a friend of mine, Bruce Herbison. He was among the finest, most honest, most generous men I ever hope to encounter.
Bruce's "Penton Life" was set to words by his loving wife of many years, Pat.
Pat, like Bruce, is herself a force of nature; quiet too, but don't get in the way, thank you.
Anyways, you guys have read the words....why are there no words of comment from you? A significant number of you knew him and took his measure; and none were shorted.
I just think ya'll ought to post a few words.
Bruce Herbison died a few days ago. Some of you knew him, many only slightly, some missed out completely, a lost joyful opportunity! Bruce was as genuine and generous a soul as I ever expect to meet. The man gave and gave; pouring himself out - just like the Good Book suggests.
I could go on for a long time listing his contributions to we simple folks in multiple ways over his 77 year life. I am well pleased to have known him.
You might want to check out his obituary at // and maybe ask for the fold-over history of this man to fill yourself in on his quiet successes. I think his wonderful wife, Pat, wrote much of it.
Meanwhile, you could take another look at the POG Photos list and search for Bruce Herbison's 125 Penton Six Day.
I just thought all of you should know the sort of people old dirt bikes attract. I sure hope each of us is one of them.
Jim Schneider

Penton Talk / 1972 Pentons Wauseon
July 18, 2019, 08:27:38 AM
Wauseon is tomorrow
I will have two restored 1972 bikes for sale.
I will not be answering any questions here (eBay is lousy with inane knuckleheads)
Come and see them, buy one or two. My little brother will have a couple of running early 70's Suzuki and/or Kawasaki dirt bike on offer too.
The Japanese bikes are reasonably priced, the Pentons are not
See you at the fairgrounds parking area tomorrow. Do not worry if you forget your overcoat.