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Messages - pitter

Penton Talk / Rebuildable 175 crank needed
December 25, 2001, 02:11:14 AM
Thanks Tom, we'll send you an email directly.
Peter & John

Edited by - pitter on 12/25/2001  02:12:31 AM
Penton Talk / "What Year Is It" (text format)
October 15, 2001, 12:41:41 AM
Thanks Grandpaul,
I saved to HD and printed the info.
Tha was a great help.
John D.

does the 175 use the same size dynoplat as the 125? if not does any one know if i could find something like the 125 bosch points system. could any one tell me if the VIN: 7-21159524 is for a '73 jackpiner. just making sure i get a frame breather. i hate to ask for help and put a time limit on it but it will be sold within the next three days. thank you for your time.

does the 175 use the same size dynoplat as the 125? if not does any one know if i could find something like the 125 bosch points system. could any one tell me if the VIN: 7-21159524 is for a '73 jackpiner. just making sure i get a frame breather. i hate to ask for help and put a time limit on it but it will be sold within the next three days. thank you for your time.

does the 175 use the same size dynoplat as the 125? if not does any one know if i could find something like the 125 bosch points system. could any one tell me if the VIN: 7-21159524 is for a '73 jackpiner. just making sure i get a frame breather. i hate to ask for help and put a time limit on it but it will be sold within the next three days. thank you for your time.