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Messages - motobabe

What does living in the USA have to do with this issue? It sounds to me like you guys are dealers yourselves and don't understand the concept of collectibles. They should increase in value over time. But, if someone is out there putting this special plastic on none anniversary bikes they're cheating whomever buys their fake anniversary bike. This is not right to the guy who is mislead to believe he's buying a limited issue bike (when he's not) and it's not fair to the guy who has the real thing but the value goes down because of cheaters. And if the dealer has this plastic I'm sure it's because he's sold some of these bikes or has he? Did they purchase this plastic for a particular customer and the customer back out? Or, did he buy this plastic with the thought of people wanting to cheat.
By the way, saying that this is the USA in reference to this issue implies we're a bunch of cheaters, thanks a lot. Take a hint, if you feel you shouldn't say anything than thats your good sense trying to tell you to shut up. Motobabe