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Messages - Weathermann

Penton Talk / Engine Oil Recommendations?
February 27, 2002, 05:34:18 PM
Thank you all. As recommended, I have stocked up on enough Spectro to keep me running for 6 months, or 3 if I'm lucky.


Penton Talk / Engine Oil Recommendations?
February 01, 2002, 12:34:11 PM
My first of likely many posts. I am getting back into the sport after a time away and am starting to resurrect several of my bikes. I have a '76 Penton 250 about ready to go and would like input on what engine oils are currently highly regarded. I used mostly Castrol R in the past but I expect that with the advances in 2-stroke synthetic oils in the last several years, there may be better choices now. What are members using now for their air-cooled 2-stroke Pentons? What fuel/oil ratios are recommended with those oils? Do any of the oils smell as good as Castrol R (forgive me but as Dirt Bike magazine once said, it smells beautiful).

What oils are recommended for the gearbox?

Thanks much.
