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Messages - rob w

I've gotten those before. Generic. Even though they call them Radaelli, they do not say Radaelli on them. Maybe things have changed, please let me know if yours are stamped Radaelli. Thanks.
Penton Talk / Re: Still Keeping Track
May 07, 2022, 02:05:13 PM
 I absolutely agree, can't tell you how much I appreciate each and every issue.
And !!BONUS!! - the awesome new sticker, love it, thanks again
Penton Talk / Re: New Site
February 22, 2022, 11:42:16 AM
James at ISDTRR 2015 Athens, OH
Penton Talk / Steel Tanker in France
February 13, 2022, 05:47:04 PM
Years ago I sold a Penton steel tanker through Ebay, to someone in Europe. It was during my earliest eBay experiences, after the sale, I wished I hadn't listed the sale as "world-wide". It was a complete bike, except for the tires. It took me all of 4 days to take the bike apart, carefully wrap each part, and somehow stuff it all into 4 pretty large boxes. Two boxes went USPS, and two boxes went UPS.
Over the years, I had forgotten where it went, and who it went to.
Today, reading my newest "Still....Keeping Track" POG newsletter - in the "Member Profile" article about Bertrand Heribel - I see a picture of him with that steel tanker.
After seeing the picture, reading what a proud owner he is, and hearing how rare that bike is in France. I now feel great about the effort it took to get it shipped there, and pleased it has such a good home. Thanks to Bertrand, I enjoyed reading his article.   
Bruce Herbison's Penton shop was about 5 miles from my grandparents house. In '73 and '74 I went there a couple times, but never caught him open. It was always on a weekend, he was probably off riding, or racing. I remember once I got out of the car, and took a picture of the door to his shop. The door's exterior was covered in all the coolest Penton / Hi-Point stickers.
 Many years later I met Bruce at a POG event, the first thing I talked about was that door. Great guy, he would sit and talk about Pentons all day.
Penton Talk / My Hiro Penton pictures
August 20, 2021, 06:42:13 PM
Dennis, thanks very much. No I used an updated frame (by one month) and suspension on this bike. My original was the earlier frame, with shocks forward mounted on the swingarm, nearly vertical, and blue Gas Girling shocks.

Thank you Alan, that means a lot to me. Like many of my Penton projects, I couldn't have done without your help.
Penton Talk / My Hiro Penton pictures
August 15, 2021, 02:06:41 PM
Mr. Carbaugh, I'm happy to hear that ! It was many moons ago, that you supplied me with this NOS engine - and I will always appreciate, and remember that.
Penton Talk / My Hiro Penton pictures
August 15, 2021, 11:58:58 AM
Thanks Don !  &  Thank you much Brent !
Penton Talk / 72 Jackpiner engine covers
April 10, 2021, 09:27:42 AM
For 1972 KTM, see Homepage photo.
Penton Talk / Sachs Trans fluid
March 29, 2021, 04:57:10 PM
You want to use 700cc's of oil, disregard the oil plug in the side case.
Always best to pull the LH side case, to drain oil.
Nice going Paul. I think it's great that you now have some ability to share your pictures. I enjoy all your posts, and now even more. Just like I love Tom Pentons post, he has a lot of wonderful photos. The POG website is a different format than any others, that I've ever used. Everything about it has always worked great for me, and not a single complaint today. The archives are special. Glad I could help a little. As D.W. would say - have fun !
Hi Mike,
Go to Google.
Upper right you should find Google Apps. (looks like 9 dots)
Click on "Photos"
Sign in/up, with email address and password.
After photo is uploaded.
Click on the photo, then click on "Share" in upper right.
Click on "create Link"
Copy there, and paste here.
Hope this helps, and all that works for you.
Let me know.

I'm not sure if you need a Google account to see all those Google Apps. Years ago I signed up for a gmail email address, but I have never used it.
This is using Google "Photos".
You have to click on a link. But it's free.
This is using Google "Photos".
You have to click on a link. But it's free.