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Messages - matt

Penton Talk / Penton/Wassel trials
October 25, 2000, 08:26:04 AM
Paul,Thanks for your reply.I can confirm that I have the 125/A engine. I have tried other mods which seems to work. I have replaced the base gasket with one that is 0.25mm thick.(original thickness unknown as it split in two when I seperated the barrel from the crankcases, however it was really substantial, I estimate it to be approx 1mm thick. Can anyone confirm an original thickness)  This has the effect of reducing the exhaust port and transfer port timings, whilst increasing the compression ratio. This definately had the desired effect. I then retarded the ignition progressively to 2.4mm BTDC. The machine is much better for these mods.
Does anyone know of any variable thickness head gaskets, as the one on mine has an aluminium insert in the gasket material.I would like to reduce the squish clearence some more.
I will now try to improve throttle response from the carb. Currently it is fitted with an  original selection of jets as per Clymer manual. These are in a 26mm Bing body.
Can anyone define their carb settings to provide a common platform to work from. Thanks again.

Penton Talk / Penton/Wassel trials
October 20, 2000, 09:06:55 AM
I have a 1973 wassel trials fitted with the 125cc Sachs engine. When using in trials the motor is too peaky and will not pick up smoothly off the bottom end. By the time it does pick up traction has been broken.
My question is has anyone got any ideas on how additional flywheel weights could be added? Does anyone know if an after market modification was ever made.