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Messages - pentonpal

Looking to complete a Penton/Wassell Trials frame and need a side stand and mount bracket if available.  The mount bracket is welded to the frame so maybe more difficult.  My bike is missing both.  Can pay cash or possibly trade parts.

If no sales materialize, can anyone provide detailed photos and measurements for the side stand and/or for the bracket?  This might turn into a fabrication project and measurements would be a great start.


I need to post a correction.  On closer inspection of the OEM KTM bearing covers, I no longer believe that they contain a steel "sleeve".  An end on view makes it look like there might be an inserted sleeve, but if one is present, it is not steel (non-magnetic).  Without a steel sleeve, the KTM bearing cover would merely be a cast aluminum housing encasing a steel shaft that rotates.
The replacement bearing cover that Al B. sells does contain a steel sleeve insert and will likely provide a long service life.  The one steel sleeve I have was likely produced in an effort to refurbish the OEM bearing cover.  If I ever pursue getting this sleeve installed I will provide an update.

Thanks Kevin for explaining the engagement pin replacement. That fix may be all that is needed.

If you disassemble a KTM bearing cover by punching out the 4x23.8mm bearing needle pin you will be left with two components: the aluminum housing and the disengaging shaft and lever/arm.  The cast aluminum housing contains a steel "sleeve/liner/bushing" where it mates with the the disengaging shaft (high wear area).  This sleeve is cylindrical in shape with approximate dimensions of 18mm ID x 20.3mm OD x 22mm in length.  It has a slot and 2 holes allowing for the pushrod and pin to pass through.  I am assuming this sleeve is a press fit into the aluminum housing and possibly replaceable.

The KTM clutch actuator has 2 wear points: the 4x15.8mm pin in the disengaging shaft, and the steel sleeve which holds the rotating disengaging shaft. As the sleeve wears, lateral play increases at the shaft and lever where play should be none to minimal. By replacing these two parts, the KTM clutch actuator can be brought back to nearly 100% functionality.

A while back I was provided a sleeve, so I know at one time they were available.  Just checking to see if others exist as I would like to obtain a few more.  Pentonpal
Can anyone tell me if reproduction sleeves have been manufactured for the KTM (old style) clutch bearing covers?  If so, what is required to install?

Thanks,  Pentonpal
Thanks for the correction Jason.  Guess I was more beat up than I thought after having mowed in 90 degree heat and 90 percent humidity.  I think I am rusting.


OK, so basically no one took my previous post seriously.  

Although I do like the SS rocket silo image - thanks Tom.  Reminiscent of younger days.

Sure, you can go to "Buchanan's Spoke and Rim" and spend a small fortune to special order rims/spokes/nipples; but that was not my objective!  The cost of a set of special order wheels/spokes/nipples would be north of $800.00 (without tires and tubes).  I am attempting to do this myself on a somewhat lower budget; both as a learning experience and for cost savings.

This is a forum on Penton motorcycles, correct?  Someone tell me the thread size of the OEM Penton spoke nipple (both size and pitch)?  If you can't, why not?  Where were the spoke nipples manufactured (Germany. England, other)?  Where were the spokes made?  Can the OEM nipples be purchased today; perhaps in less corrosive materials?  If not, why not?

The actual OEM Penton spokes are very non-corrosive and can be re-utilized (re-purposed) provided a substitute nipple can be found. Just trying to spur the knowledge that is out there to come forward and comment.  

Sorry, negative comments will be immediately deleted as I cannot tolerate decent!

Thanks Pentonpal
Penton Talk / 72 Jackpiner part identification
January 01, 2014, 11:21:32 AM
Thanks Kevin, just what I needed.
Penton Talk / Help on VMD trip planning
June 18, 2009, 07:32:30 PM

Many thanks for the info, just what I needed to know.

Wanted / For Sale / BIKES/STUFF FOR SALE
June 05, 2008, 06:09:21 PM
Hi Dave,

I am in need of a cylinder for a 72 (black engine, 7 fin) Jackpiner.  Any help in your grab bag?


Wanted / For Sale / 6 day parts
May 06, 2008, 08:26:09 PM

I live in west Houston, Texas and am interested in the frame and motor.  You can contact me at [email protected] but I will be away from the computer until the 11th of May.


Penton Talk / Lubricating hole in Jackpiner piston?
April 16, 2008, 08:01:16 PM
Well, much to consider.  Thanks to all who have offered up advice.  I appreciate all of the input.

Penton Talk / Lubricating hole in Jackpiner piston?
April 12, 2008, 04:47:32 PM

Yes, very informative.  I appreciate the help and will be off to the hardware for some bits.

Penton Talk / Fischer Competition Cycles?
March 20, 2008, 10:26:05 PM

Thanks for the info, I'll try that number again.  When I tried that number earlier today it acted as if it were a FAX line with the odd tones.  Thanks for Jeff's number.

Crazy.  I may just send a FAX tomorrow just in case.

Wanted / For Sale / 1973 Penton jackpiner 175
March 04, 2008, 08:53:17 PM

If all goes wrong with ebay give me shout.  Your mongrol may be incorrect but I've got a 72 rolling frame in need of an engine and some other parts.  You've got my email.

Good luck,

Wanted / For Sale / 1973 Penton
September 28, 2007, 10:20:22 PM
Hey Dobber,

What happened to your 73 Jackpiner?  I have not been on in a while, but I live just west of Houston and might have an interest if you have not sold it.  Drop a note and let me know.

