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Penton Talk / Chicagoland Penton movie August 11th
August 01, 2014, 10:22:36 AM
The Chicago Penton Story is a go. There are 48 seats still available, don't miss out on the opportunity to see the movie. Go to Penton movie, scroll down to the red box and hit count me in.
Penton Talk / Chicago: Penton movie review
August 12, 2014, 11:16:45 PM
I got the chance to see the John Penton Story last night so I thought I would jot down a few words. The movie was not sold out but it was a good sized and enthusiastic crowd. I never saw so many grey haired guys in one place. Thankfully we were mixed in with wives, girlfriends and kids. Thanks to the captain, Jeff Fredette. Jeff said it was the 3rd time he saw the movie. I know I can't wait to see it again. Thanks to Todd Huffman. The movie never felt like it was on a limited budget. Todd truly has an artistic quality about how the film was made. Thanks to Ed Youngblood for writing a great story about a man and a motorcycle.

              The John Penton Story, this film MOVED me. I went from watery eyes, (I must have got something in them) to big smiles. What I really liked about the film was you don't have to be a motorcycle racer/ rider to enjoy it . A strong family that had more than its fair share of hardship to go along with the success. As I'm watching John drive the tractor and trim trees I'm thinking I saw this man doing this firsthand at a pig roast / trail ride I was at last fall. While I really enjoy all the success that KTM has garnered.  I wonder if they understand how lucky they are to have a man like John Penton that paved the way for their success. Thank You Mr. Penton.

                                                                     Phil Peterson

Penton Talk / Chicagoland Penton movie August 11th
July 22, 2014, 04:58:33 PM
Hi Poggers, I know there's a lot  of us out there in the Chicago area. We only need 20 more reservations to tip the light green . Chicago Heights Cinema 8-11@ 7:30. Go to Penton movie for details. Thanks,Phil
Wanted / For Sale / 04 85 sx & 86 80 mx
April 02, 2011, 10:13:27 PM
I had it all figured out for my son, motocross in the summer, hockey in the winter. Well about the time we bought the new 85 sx he got more serious about hockey and the racing career was over. Hopefully these bikes can go to a Penton/KTM family.
    "04" 85, bike was bought new. Some of the early 04s had tight crank bearings and were recalled. Our bike was not one of the recalls. Less than 20 total hours and never raced. Bike has Renthal fat bars,Pro Curcuit pipe and silencer + a forestry approved silencer. Spare parts include Renthal rear sprocket,chain guide,kickstarter and new Michelin rear tire.
     "86" 80, I thought this would be a fun bike project while the kid was still on a 65. These bikes are hard to find but Barry Higgins at H&H fixed me up with enough old parts to build a bike. Parts were not too hard to find, all new plastic, tank was in good shape and still white. Cylinder was bored to 85cc and rechromed. Later model 80s were bored to 85cc. New parts included pipe and radiator. Best mod for the bike was a proper sized carburator. These bikes came with 35mm carbs, a bit large for an 80. I put on a 28mm flat slide Kehein and used yz 85 jetting. Bike runs clean for a non power valve 80.
     While researching the 80 I found an old MXA test comparing the KTM with the Japanese 80s. MXA said the KTM narrowly missed the mark liking the handling but felt the over carburated engine was a bit too peaky. 5 years later in a MXA article on the worst mx bikes ever made the 80 made the list. Nice to see MXA has always been consistent at speaking out of both sides of their mouth.
    Sorry to ramble on but I think its nice to know a little history. I will post some pics when my daughter teaches me how to do it.

                            $2200.00 for both
                               thanks, Phil Peterson