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Messages - terry

Wanted / For Sale / New Topic.
December 31, 2005, 05:32:04 PM
To finish out this year, I will have to say one more message. Like it or not. The bandits that started all this have for sure been caught. I agree with Dwight Rudder and so does the wolfman. Even if no one else beleives me, I did not surrender because since I told the truth all along, I have nothing to be ashamed of. The two got caught and they know it now. Now it is time for them to face the music. If I was not telling the truth all along, then why don't the two that started it all defend themselves. That alone proves me right.


Happy New Year.
Terry Everett

Wanted / For Sale / New Topic.
December 31, 2005, 03:16:38 PM
I know your not because I am not selling to you. The only B.S. is you beleiving the two guys that started all this. One from Texas and one from Michigan. Once again I stand by all my messages that I was the one that told the truth. I really don;t care what you think Ric. The people that know all the facts know you are 100% wrong. Even the presiden of this club knows. Call him.

Wanted / For Sale / New Topic.
December 31, 2005, 01:07:46 PM
Once again I have to defend myself because some people still think that I started this. I DID NOT. Back in March 21 2005 a guy from Texas started this, and then I guy from Michigan jumped in and it has been going on all year. Once again I am the only one telling the truth. I have spoke to different POG members that also thought I was at fault. I spoke to 5 people Friday and Saturday and told them the truth about who started all this and told them who really started it. They now think much better about me and less of the two that started it. Even Paul the president knows who started it. donny Smith called me and he now knows 100% the truth about all this. If you don't beleive me, call him. To Ric Emmal. If you think for one second that it is wrong for me to defend myself on POG, then I don't want to sell anything to you. Even Paul Danik told me on the phone that I should go on here and defend myself. Ric. If Donny Smith is your friend, call him and here the truth about me. Because anyone that beleives what you belive, that makes you the Village Idiot.

Terry Everett
Wanted / For Sale / New Topic.
December 30, 2005, 10:41:38 AM
Hey Six Dazed  

I agree. Member to member. You must have forgotten. I am a PAID UP POG MEMBER>

Wanted / For Sale / New Topic.
December 30, 2005, 09:16:51 AM
Hey Donnie Smith. I will answer for the Wolfman. He is loyal to me because he has watched was some POG members have said on this message board this year about me for no reason. some POG members act like no one else shpuld sell PENTON parts but Al B. First of all Al B. and myself are starting to do business together and are going to continue to get items reproduced together. For those who want to continue to boycott me and my PENTON parts. Go ahead. But Wolfman is taking my side. And he has more new NOS PENTON stuff than you can ever imagine. This could be good for all if some POG members stop all the bad messages against me. I am getting nos items from wolfman for the future. You POG members would be totally amazed if you knew the great nos bikes and parts he has. I will reply to people who need parts when I get stuff done. It is a slow process. Donny. If you got a problem with wolfman or me, don't air it on a message board. Pick up the phone.

Terry Everett
Penton Talk / merry christmas to all
December 25, 2005, 10:10:58 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all POG members, to the John Penton family for staring all this great fun, and to the wolfman on a penton for the advice and nice parts which I hope to reproduce for many PENTON owners, and to Paul Danik for posting a message to stop all the stupid fighting on this message board, which I told him to do this 3 months ago, and he will admit that I told him that, and even to the Two (2) POG members that said a lot of wrong and bad things about me this year.

Peace and Happiness To All
Terry Everett
PENTON Motorcycles
Penton Talk / merry christmas to all
December 25, 2005, 10:10:58 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all POG members, to the John Penton family for staring all this great fun, and to the wolfman on a penton for the advice and nice parts which I hope to reproduce for many PENTON owners, and to Paul Danik for posting a message to stop all the stupid fighting on this message board, which I told him to do this 3 months ago, and he will admit that I told him that, and even to the Two (2) POG members that said a lot of wrong and bad things about me this year.

Peace and Happiness To All
Terry Everett
PENTON Motorcycles
Hello All. Yes. I have already paid him with Pay Pal for three (3) pairs that he is shipping me. I had no trouble getting a reply. I e-mailed him and said I would buy them at what ever price he wanted. Later on I got an invoice from Pay Pal. He was great to buy from. I hope to continue to buy from the "Wolf Man On A PENTON". He is also good friends with the "Deputy"

Terry Everett/Ohio
Wanted / For Sale / Rubber Tank Cushions
November 25, 2005, 09:03:38 AM
Hello Kevin.
I am having 5 different rubber items made as we speak. the tank buttons are one of them.

Thanks Again
PENTON Motorcycles
Terry Everett/Ohio
Wanted / For Sale / Gem reed blocks?
November 23, 2005, 05:41:53 PM
Wolfman. You sure have lots of great PENTON stuff. You are a true vintage bike collector. Also thanks for the quick payment on the parts and the HI-POINT sign. Let me get those GEM reed blocks reproduced please. I will pay you to borrow one. I hope to meet you someday. I am in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Home of the famous Mathias Raceway. You can call me anytime if you want. The big suprise is coming someday.

PENTON Motorcycles
Terry Everett/Ohio
Wanted / For Sale / also need 76 GS 125 pipe. Thanks.
November 23, 2005, 05:38:07 PM
Hey Wolfman. If you get that 125 GS pipe, please let me know. I will get them reproduced. If you want me to pay for the pipe I will and you can keep the pipe.

PENTON Motorcycles
Terry Everett/Ohio
Hello Again Wolfman
It souds like to me you are a true PENTON lover. Please contact me and I will try to get those reproduction pipes made. I already have new reproduction Six Day pipes on my PENTON web site for sale. Any item you want to send me, I will try to get new parts made and I will promise your original part back or I will pay you whatever you want for the item.

Thanks So Much
Happy Holidays
PENTON Motorcycles
Terry Everett
Penton Talk / Nice Hi Point signs
November 21, 2005, 09:20:58 AM
Hello wolfman.  Thanks for the compliment. I have other PENTON and HI-POINT metal signs. I will e-mail you pictures of them.

PENTON Motorcycles
Terry Everett/Ohio
Hello Wolfman    I recently found in my area a barn fresh 250 gold tanker. I have to take an old Maico Spyder with it. I think I will buy both. Are you interested in a gold tank PENTON?

Terry Everett/Ohio
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted: 30mm Lectron Power Jet
November 20, 2005, 06:50:11 PM
Hello Cris    
 I am an Lectron dealer. Contact me and I will try to help you if I can.   //

PENTON Motorcycles
Terry Everett/Ohio