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Messages - Robin

Penton Talk / HELP
January 24, 2004, 05:06:07 PM
My brother, Joe Witter died on Jan 13, 2004 at the age of 45.  As I was going thru his things I found a letter dated Nov 2, 1972 from John A. Penton.  He would have been 14 at that time.  It brought back great memories of our moto-x days. It also made me remember that at one time Joe was on the Penton poster.  If I remember right, it was of 2 riders.  Joe was #08. As with any teenager, he had written a letter to Mr. Penton asking about the 250cc Penton and Mr Penton wrote "It is true, Jack was riding a 250cc Penton at St.Louis.  However, it was still a proto model and production won't start until after the first of the year."  The letter goes on to say that "It is my intnetions to see that riders like yourself will receive one of the irst in the country but we can't very well rush the issue."  Of course there is more to the letter. My reason for posting this is, I was wondering if it was possible to find this old poster with my brother.  My family (my mother and myself) Have an old one that is very damaged and not repairable.  Could someone e=mail me and let me know where I might find one?  Thank you, Robin