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Messages - bildough

Great magazine. excellent quality, superb content and a very fair price. I encourage everyone to subscribe and enjoy Mitchs endeavors.

Bill Cappel
fantastic Larry. keep the good rides up.

bill cappel
Wanted / For Sale / Wanted American Eagle /Sprite 125
February 18, 2010, 12:24:10 PM
i have one
you can see it at

pictures were  taken before the decals were applied. they are VERY pricy due to the rarity. I am only aware of 2 others. The cost to do the nickling is even more than for a rickman as the frames were so badly made that the polishing took 15 man hours to prep for the nickle. The air canister we had to source out of Portugal at a price of $1,750. If you need a pipe you are looking at $700 if you have an old one to use as a jig.

Bill Cappel
Penton Talk / Carb Cleaner
December 14, 2009, 08:52:28 AM
Funny this question would come up. For years I could never find a good carb cleaner. Then John Kovalcik in AZ said by far the best is Yamaha Carb dip. Its expensive but man OH man does it work good. Mix 50% with water and dip for 24 hours.
It removes all the lacquerish petroleum based residue and makes a 30 year old soiled carb look brand new. It worked so good my brother who restores WW2 jeeps took my expensive Yamalube and used it on his jeeps carbs.  I found out how good it works when I asked him if he had seen my carb cleaner. He says " man that stuff really works great". And yes it is all gone.
Had to order it online as the local dealer wont stock it because he says no one wants to buy iy because its twice the cost of "carb dip". You get what you pay for.

Bill cappel
Penton Racing Talk / White Lightnin' race report
March 18, 2009, 10:37:15 PM

what a great race report. I think its so cool that you take the berkie out and show off what it can do. The pictures sure make it look great. My prayers are with Wendell for a speedy recovery.

Bill cappel
Penton Talk / thanks for the thoughts and prayers
July 09, 2008, 11:42:45 AM

I learned my lesson the hard way at Hard Rock. The only time i rode without my braces I ruined my left knee. Moral is always use your protection. I really like my asterisk knee braces. i hardly know they are on. i hope this is a wake up call and you also have a Leatt neck brace. One crash without and you could be in real bad shape. Better to have and not need then to need and not have,
we need all your energy at the races Chicago. You always brighten up my days there.

Bill Cappel
Wanted / For Sale / Bike Shipping
June 24, 2008, 01:26:10 PM
i have used them with great results. several bikes have been brought out in the back of someones pickup who was coming this way and just wanted some help with gas. $550 from the east coast to the west coast door to door in this day and age is a good deal i think. I have even done some myself to help out with gas. If you have space and are headed there anyway why not make a stop along the way and getsome $.

Penton Racing Talk / NOT PENTON but More BAJA
June 22, 2008, 02:33:44 PM
great effort larry.

bill cappel
Penton Talk / Bike Shipping
June 22, 2008, 02:27:44 PM
i have used them many times and have had great experiences. mostly it is people with a pick up truck heading in your direction that want to make a couple $ on the side. i have also posted and moved some bikes when iam going somewhere and have room. its like the ebay of shipping. people post what they have as far as equipment with a picture and bid on moving your bikes etc.

Bill Cappel
Penton Talk / Diamond Don's
March 19, 2008, 09:07:32 AM
 My brother will be coming to DD also. After 28 years overseas hes finally back and will be driving out from Oregon to finally meet some of the POG gang.

Bill Cappel
Penton Talk / Sachs makeover
March 04, 2008, 05:45:03 PM
I should mention that the manifold was made to also redirect the fuel flow angle to a more efficient pattern also. In addition the manifold was matched the the intake ports.

Penton Talk / Sachs makeover
March 04, 2008, 05:43:23 PM

we had the same issue with the carb mount on our D engines. all the old manifolds were plastic and tended to leak air. The original for the bing was metal but also leaked. Cliff White machined the manifolds for our engines out of titanium. Very light very trick. I think its cheaper to go on Nutrisystems and lose the weight on the rider than to keep spending $ to lose the weight on the bike.

Bill Cappel
Penton Talk / Shocks for "72" 6- Day
January 09, 2008, 10:06:59 AM
ive used the standard size that came on the pentons. i dont have my bikes near so i cant measure which they were. i once put longer ones on and it was not the trick. I went back to the standard size.
If you go to our website you can see good pictures of Progressives on the Mettco, works on the D model, the original girlings on the stock six day. On the husky 125 i have shown redwings and Ohlins.
On the website, I think you can see a good assortment of rear suspension on various 125s even Koni and a set of curnutt on one of the Tyrans

Bill cappel
Penton Talk / Shocks for "72" 6- Day
January 08, 2008, 10:05:33 PM
Ive been using redwings on my 125 for the past two years and really like them. In all sincerity I dont notice much difference between them and the Ohlins on a 125. On the 250s i do notice a big difference and even more on an open bike. maybe the smaller bikes dont test the suspension the way the bigger bikes do but I like my Redwings on my 125. Thats just my input.

Bill Cappel
Penton Talk / last days to vote
January 08, 2008, 09:57:41 PM

 I have written 3 times to the AHRMA office to get a ballot sent to me. I moved in October and sent 3 notices to them by email to change my address. when that didnt work I emailed Cindy Cowell directly to get a ballot. That was 2 weeks ago asking for one to be faxed to me, emailed to me or snail mailed to me. So far no ballot. My question is why they dont want me to vote?

Bill Cappel