Ron Carbaugh at Diamond Don's

Started by rocket randy, April 27, 2010, 10:22:43 PM

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rocket randy

It was really good to See Ron Carbaugh at Diamond Don's, He is a special person for any of you penton Guy's out there. I had not seen Ron in a while, I remember Ron from 20-25 years ago on the Racing circut. Best of luck Ron, My prayer's are always with You !!!  Randy Lee


  It is always Great seeing old Pro Riders like you.  I so much enjoy seeing some of the top Pros riding the equipment we used to ride.  I think this years Diamond Don's will go down as the best Vintage Race I have attended.  Thanks for introducing me to some of your Friends from Illinois as I will try and look them up on my next visit to Springfield.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Jerry Chafton

It was a pleasure meeting you at Diamond Don's. I had heard many stories about you and most were true. You are a gentleman and I was very impressed with your offers to help in any way you could. I only wish I could have spent more time talking old stories with you but you left about the time I was hauled off to the hospital in the Ambulance.
I had a major crash in the second moto and spent over a week just trying to get back to Kentucky.
I am home now recovering from my injuries and hope you are doing well also. I know you have been through a lot lately and as you said, we are all blessed to be able to do what we enjoy so much. The Diamond Don episode is one for the books.

Have a great season,
Jerry Chafton


  I am sorry to hear you had a get off.  You still have that old Pro in you and I loved the first start in the MX Race on Saturday.  I hope you come back even if it just to enjoy Texas and the Racing.  Say Hi to your Bride and let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mick Milakovic

Jerry, sorry about your injury, hope you're getting better by now,


Jerry Chafton

Thanks Mick,
 I am getting a little better. Five weeks into this, collar bone is healing well but still unable to lie on right side due to bone bruising in hip area and cracked ribs. Calf and ankle area is good, able to walk without problem. Torn shoulder muscle seems ok but unable to test due to collarbone.
I'm going to miss you guys but this cat's used up about 5 or 6 of his 9 lives over the years. It's time to retire.....again.


  You are still the the crafty racer.  I loved your great start in the first MX and how you never made the parade lap.  In my book you still have all the greatness of winning.  I just want you to be safe and as Doug Wilford says Hove Fun.  I hope you and your Bride come back to Don's.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh