Prez Paul in American Motorcyclist

Started by Mick Milakovic, August 12, 2010, 10:35:49 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Hey All, be sure to check out page 47 of the AMA mag this month; our president is showing off his steel tanked "log-shire"!  What's her nickname Paul? :D


rob w

Renew my AMA membership ! That's something I have to do this weekend !
It's something that everyone should do.

Mick Milakovic

Bob, I agree.  We have all had our issues with the AMA or AHRMA, but if we deny either then the entire sport is punished.  I get the magazine because my son has to renew.  I'm a life member and sometimes I'm annoyed that the AMA doesn't send me an issue for free, but when Jarrin moves out I'll probably pay the $10 per year and get the subscription.  Jack Penton is the director of operations and writes an article every month.  I want to hear what he has to say.


Rain Man

Paul, I wonder if you could sell that log on E bay [?] :D

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

Paul Danik

When Rocket pulled in with the log-shire in the back of his truck it was love at first sight, I don't recall the name of the gentleman who Rod was hauling the bike for, but he was kind enough to let us use it in the POG display and then part with it later, or maybe he knew one when he saw one [8D]

The log-shire actually gave me an idea as to how I might fund my retirement.  We have a number of old over grown trees around the nursery that have outlived their usefulness.  I explained to Conrad as to how I plan to scour the swapmeets this winter in search of old rusted wheels that can be picked up for a couple of bucks.  I will then haul them home and place them on the branches of the tress and just sit back and let nature do the rest. Surely there will be others who will part with their money to buy wheels with logs growing thru them :)

So, if you are ever in the Mars area and see trees with old motorcycle wheels in them you will know why, and just up the road is Jake Fischer's place with the motorcycle on the roof of his shop, maybe if I can get some frames and bury them part way I can start a Penton Ranch.....look out Cadillac Ranch :D
