100/125 Bing Carbs , Parts availability

Started by john durrill, October 22, 2001, 06:25:48 PM

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john durrill

got a hold of the Bing dist. today hears their response.
Yes, we should have all the parts you need for this carb
Slide #22-575 @ 28.17ea
Slide Needle #46-184 @ $7.60ea
Needle Jets #45-191-2.73 (stock) or 2.76 @ $6.03ea
Main Jets 44-051-140 stock @ $4.21ea
We accept Visa or MasterCard.  You may order by email, Fax 316-862-5699 or call 800-309-2464.
Hope this will help folks,
John D.


Larry Perkins

I have NOS Bing jets for $2.50 each.  Main, pilot, and needle jets.


john durrill

Someone gave me an article by JP on tuning  Bings and Amal carbs. In it their is a part # 40-404 ( its the vaporizer) that fits on top of the needle jet and improves low and mid range response a great deal. You can recognize it , if you have it , buy looking in the carb from the engine side and it will be cut away about 180 deg.
Bing carries two types still. I am having both sent to me and we should be able to ID the one that is the Penton # 40-404.
 If anyone needs the info let me know. You might try Larry and Al first as the same part fit all the Penton/Ktm engines and they may have it in stock. We can probably get the person that posted it to make the article available online for you to copy. Its a good article and worth the read.
 John D.


Larry Perkins

I have the Bing vaporizors and most of the Bing parts especially for the small ones.



If anyone would like to read the article "Penton On Carburetion" from the 1974 Keeping Track magazine it's here:



I need a couple of the vaporizers mentioned in the John Penton article on carb tuning.
Have you been able to identify the correct one to order from Bing? Thanks for your help.

Mike L.

john durrill

 Sorry to be so long in replying to your question. The answer is no on the vaporizer from Bing. They sent me two but neither matched. I found one so did not follow up on getting one from Bing. Larry Perkins has them last time i checked. Give Him a call and tell me how it works out. I can scan a pic of the right vaporizer and send it to Bing now. So if Larry does not have one , Bing may be able to supply it.
John & Peter



Thanks for the response.
I checked with Larry a week or so ago and he did not have the correct one. I talked to Fay at Bing and I think we found the correct vaporizer. Part #51-596. I have one of the vaporizers in question and we compared dimensions etc. and they seem to match. I ordered one today and when I get it I will let you know if it is correct.

Mike L.