October POG meeting, and a rumor !

Started by Paul Danik, September 30, 2010, 02:22:08 PM

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Paul Danik


    The October POG meeting will take place on Thursday October 7th, the location is the KTM building, Amherst, Ohio.  The start time is 7PM.

   There is a rumor that "Crazy" Jake Fischer will be attending the meeting.  A semi-reliable source has leaked word that Jake will be driven to and from the meeting by an officer of the law [8D].

   If nothing else it sure ought to be interesting.

Hope to see you there.


joe novak

The more, the merrier.  The wife just TEXT me.  She works Thursday late.  We have a "babysitter" for Thursday evening, so right after the childrens' soccer (yes, that is two of them...) I will drop them off at home and be on my way to the meeting.   As always, looking forward to seeing all the regular POG members, and all the guests, too.  joe


Wow, Jake Fischer coming to one of our "regular" meetings!! [:0]
I always thought that it would take an extra large potato sack and 3 Italians from New Jersey to "persuade" him to show up.
But, handcuffs and a badge works pretty good also. [8D]

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Wow, Jake Fischer coming to one of our "regular" meetings!! [:0]
I always thought that it would take an extra large potato sack and 3 Italians from New Jersey to "persuade" him to show up.
But, handcuffs and a badge works pretty good also. [8D]

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Dave Mitchell

This afternoon I recieved an E-mail from one of my old racing buds saying he had another surprise for you all tonight. Hope they showed!