Inter-Am New Philadelphia,Oh.1968

Started by Tom Penton, February 06, 2015, 02:19:32 AM

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Tom Penton

1968 Inter-Am in New Philly, OH

This is one of my favorite you-tube bits. Jeff and I feature prominently in the first race (American class). We got the hole-shot and finished 2nd & 3rd behind Walt Axthelm.

It was a Dad & Uncle Ted organized event, and I did a lot of the grunt work such as ribboning the course and putting up storm fence. Had Torsten Hallman and other stars stay up in Amherst prior to the race.

This was pre Hi-Point accessories, but Jeff & I are styling in coveralls and red bandannas!

Tom Penton
Tom Penton

paul a. busick

Boy do I remember that race.  There were more top riders than you could shake a stick at. Old man Mathias owned the farm that the event was run on and he was one great old man.  Ted Penton hired me to do the announcing for the event.  I recall being down town New Philadelphia on Friday night.  The whole town was over boiling with excitement.  Most of the Euros were in one hotel and they were having one hell of a good time in bar. At that time the stars were all accessible and happy to sign autographs.  I spent the better part of the evening chatting with DeCoster, Joel Roberts Dave Bickers and Vlastimal Valck of the CZ Team.  Vlastimal didn't speck English but did speak German.  So with my terrible German and a few beers to help with the conversation we got along just fine.  Somewhere around 11PM the CZ manager got up, gathered all of his chicks and left.  Joel, Dave and Roger were not from the EAST so they remained for more beers and conversation.  Saturday was wild!  I had developed a gastric disorder and was having to run for the porta pots on a regular schedule. Just getting up and down the tower was one BIG problem.  Bob Hicks announced the races on Sunday. Helping to put the event on put the Amherst Meadowlarks (I was president) and John Penton ( the promoter)in trouble with the AMA for putting on a non sanctioned event. The AMA didn't even know what a MX was, but they didn't like it and were going to show all who was the boss.  I guess all is well that ends well. MX has grown into a great sport here in the USA and is now supported by the AMA. How times change. Amherst Paul :D


Thanks for posting Tom! Great looking track....

1976 MC 5 Original Owner
1982 Suzuki PE 175
1976 Penton 175 XC
1976 250 MC5 Original Owner
1976 Penton 175 XC
1977 250 GS6

Tom Penton

My pleasure, James. Art ... Thanks for the memories:)

This event goes down as "My best job ever". Uncle Ted trusted me to drive his newly Home Built 'Lil Smoky yellow diesel pick-up (pre-dating what is common now). I made half a dozen trips down to New Philly in perfect Ohio fall weather to just have fun prepping for the event, wonderful Mathias hills in background.

Tom Penton
Tom Penton

paul a. busick

Little Smokie.  Now there is a story in it's self.  I'll have to think about that one for a while. :)
Amherst Paul

tooclose racing

Comment/Question to Tom: You and Jeff look very "factory" in your coveralls and bandana's...and FAST. One segment has either you or Jeff pulling a wheelie going up and over a big hillclimb.  Nice!  What kind of bike was Walt Axthelm on?

General Question: I think Paul Danik has talked on this forum before about this track being next to an interstate?  You can see it in the background!  Where was this course located?

Thanks for the link. "In the beginning, God made.."


my dad raced that day too.I have the race program with the entry lists and info on the top euro riders in it. i think he said it was off i-77 near new philadelphia oh.

Tom Penton

I think it was off US Rt 250 which joins up with I77. Search "Midvale Speedway Racing" in Google Maps, then street view. I don't remember this speedway, but the hills in the background look familiar. I guess I should remember better having been there so often...

Tom Penton
Tom Penton

paul a. busick

If you go to a satellite map of New Philadelphia,Ohio. Follow I77 south and watch for Mathias Raceway Rd. SW. on the east side of I 77, you will see what is left of the short track and some of the tails.  Amherst Paul

jeff greenberg

Paul, it's kinda fun to do that.  One can also see Honda Hills and the original Mid- Ohio track on Millrun Rd.   was hard to find Mid- Ohio.  Had to go back in history as far as the images would go. ( maybe 1998).  One could make out a ghost image of some of the track... Very cool!!

Gary Roach

Google Earth aerial view from 2006. The barn is located next to the flat track at the 11 o'clock position.

Google Earth Street View photos from I-77. You can see the barn on the left side in the first photo.
