If you buy from Craig's list please read this.

Started by Paul Danik, October 28, 2010, 02:01:52 PM

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Paul Danik

Craigslist buyer lured to home, beaten and robbed
Thursday, October 28, 2010

By The Fayetteville Observer

FAYETTEVILLE (MCT) — Jay had no qualms about buying a computer off Craigslist and going to a house in Fayetteville to pick it up.

But when Jay went to retrieve the computer and found himself surrounded by four people, he realized it was a setup.

He was beaten and robbed before getting away and calling for help.

Jay's story is one that is becoming all too frequent for people buying items off the online classified advertising website, according to law enforcement officers.

Robberies of would-be buyers of Craigslist items are becoming a trend, said Detective Chris Cody of the Fayetteville Police Department.

While there haven't been a large number of such crimes reported in Cumberland County, similar incidents have occurred in Durham, Greensboro and Raleigh. There is a website and Facebook page, craigscrimelist.org, that keeps track of incidents in North Carolina and across the country.

Jay, who lives in a neighboring county, learned that painful lesson first-hand.

Jay isn't the man's real name. The 23-year-old is not being identified because of concerns for his safety, said Debbie Tanna, a spokeswoman for the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office.

Jay responded to an ad offering a computer notebook for sale.

He called the number and spoke with a woman and the two arranged to meet at a residence on Salmon Drive, in a mobile home park off U.S. 301 near Fayetteville.

Jay had no qualms about using Craigslist since he had used it before.

"The first computer I bought, the guy was super nice and super honest," he said. "That's why I didn't hesitate."

About 3 p.m. Sunday, Jay went alone to the designated meeting place.

The woman, who identified herself only as Veronica, was waiting. She went inside the residence and returned with a bag. A man was with her.

Suddenly, two more men appeared. The four surrounded Jay as the woman dropped the bag -- filled with books -- to the ground.

They turned on Jay and began hitting and punching him.

One thought went through his mind, he said, "I'm screwed."

The four took his wallet, his cell phone as well as a computer and radio in his car.

"Once I got in the car and left, I saw a police car and flagged it down," Jay said.

He was taken to Cape Fear Valley Medical Center, where he was treated for cuts and bruises on his head and face, and released.

The attack was one of two reported to the Sheriff's Office in recent weeks, Tanna said.

A Fayetteville man reported last week that he was robbed at gunpoint in his home after posting a cell phone for sale on Craigslist.

That's prompted investigators to advise residents to use caution when using Craigslist or any online advertiser.

Stay with local sellers, Cody said.

"Once you've identified who this person is, the seller or the buyer, make phone communication to establish the identity," he said.

If you must meet with a buyer or seller, do it in a public place that is well-lighted, he said.

"Never take them to your home, and don't meet them at their home," Cody said. "If necessary, bring a friend. Or a couple of them."

Mark P

I havent worked any robberies or assaults associated with Craigs List in my area(central Texas) but have worked many thefts.