POG newsletter #50 in the mail

Started by ALB, March 11, 2011, 04:50:44 PM

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The latest POG "Still...Keeping Track" newsletter #50 is finished and in the mail as of Thursday.
The member profile is on "Chicago" Jerry.

In the Tech Tips article are photos of some of the special tools that Kip Kern has made for the Sachs and KTM engines and it tells how you can make these for your use.

There is another wonderful Ted Guthrie story.

There is coverage of the Penton Display that was at the International Motorcycle show in Cleveland.

There is also an article on the Penton Day at the AMA.

If you don't received your copy by Friday March 18th - you are probably on the inactive member list. You better looking in your check book to see when you last renewed your membership. A renewal form can be found on this web site to print out.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner

Mike OReilly

How the heck did that happen? I mean it seem like only a couple of years ago that POG was founded and we began the next chapter of Penton history.
It may seem like only yesterday, but it is sobering how many years have gone by since the flame was re-ignited, let alone when we were riding and racing these things back in the day.
I guess the moral is keep the faith and make every day count.
Thank you Al for all of your work over the years.

Mike OReilly

Just an additional thought: how many editions of the original Keeping Track were there?
If we have not surpassed that number, there will obviously come a day when we will. Pretty ironic, but it speaks to the legacy of the Penton motorcycle and Penton people.