Yankee 500 Z reunion

Started by Paul Danik, May 15, 2011, 10:17:53 PM

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Paul Danik


   Many of us have an interest in numerous makes of machines from the Penton era, as well as other periods of time. One make of machine that has a dedicated following is the Yankee.  The first Yankee 500Z reunion is going to take place this summer, August 27 and 28.

   The reunion will take place at Jim Hoellerich's Museum Of Vintage Trail Bikes in Cheshire, MA, the location of the 2003 ISDT reunion ride. YankeeBob Fornwalt and Alex Snoop are both very much involved with this exciting reunion. Bob and Alex, as well as Jim Hoellerich are all very good friends of many of us personally as well as the POG. If you have never visited Jim's Museum this will be a great opportunity to do so.

   Below is a link to the website set up for the Yankee 500Z Reunion.




 Just down the road a few miles from Jim's Museum, as you enter Pittsfield, Mass, is the Pittsfield Travelodge.  This is where many of us Penton and Husky riders stayed during the 1973 ISDT. The Penton Team photo was taken in a grassy area along the road, surely there is a historic marker :D  Just a little ISDT history........


Kip Kern

Don't have a Yankee but would love to go again just to visit the museum and Jim.  Had a wonderful time during the "03" RR.  Think we could do the ride there again sometime?  Love those rocks and greasy uphills!  Will bring the 400 this time, no 125's for me, I learned my lesson[:0]

Mike OReilly

I had heard through the grapevine that the trails in the Savoy State Forest are now closed to ORV's and that therefore the door is closed once and for all for a return to that area.
Can anyone confirm or deny?


Sad but true. The state closed Savoy to off road vehicles a few years ago.