Off topic Voice tv show

Started by Gavin Housh, June 10, 2011, 11:51:22 PM

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Gavin Housh

I know this is a motorcycle page but my niece, Lily Elise, is a contestant on the new NBC show "The voice". She was on the live show on Tues. night. Now the public votes for the contestent they like best. We of coarse like Lily since I'm her uncle and we hope you'll check out this link and vote for her. The call is toll free and you can vote up to ten times per mehtod. Methods are text or phone 1 855 864-2306, internet, and Iphone download of her song(1.39 each time you download a song). If you watched the show or are at all interested please check out the link. Voting is open until 10am EST Mon June 13th. Thanks for the votes and Lily thanks you too. Gavin Housh

Gavin Housh

Lily Elise did not win enough votes to stay on the show tonight. It's been a great ride while it lasted. Thank you for your support in voting for Lily. We hope to see her on the big stage again in the future.

Steve Minor

Gavin...tell her not to get discouraged. My daughter Emily did American Idol 2007....passed the auditions, got the "gold ticket" to Hollywood...the whole thing, but was finally sent home before the finals. She was crushed, but it made her "fight" even harder. Now she's a singer/songwriter in Nashville, living her dream....


Steve Minor
Wilmington, NC
Steve Minor