
Started by Roy Smithson, July 25, 2011, 12:49:18 PM

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Roy Smithson

I want to thank the members that stopped by my vendor area to say,"Hello".

I sold the Penton,moss and all. I watered the moss on the seat before I left and the guy that bought the bike kept it watered. He told me there were numerous pictures and chuckles of the Moss covered Penton.

I really want to thank Bud for searching me out and making me feel welcome in Pentonville.

Thanks Bud for introducing me to Mr. Penton. I really wanted to thank him for all his life time effort in promoting the sport. Where would we be if there were no dedication?

Thank you Mr. Penton for signing my shirt for my birthday. What a present!

Here is a picture of Bud out of his element!  ;)

No matter where you go in the meet there is similar groups of riders that respect your choice of expression to this great sport.

Here is some pictures of the swap meet area.

On the way home we stopped for a stranded harley rider that had been broke down on I 71 for two hours. No one stopped for him. He had a bad stator and we could not affect any repair. We charged his battery up and got him off the interstate and drove him South nearly 100 miles to meet his Son so he could get home and find a trailer to retrieve his bike.

Maybe cooler weather next year!!!!