Is the 250 Hare Scrambler a 1973 or a 1974?

Started by Lisa Brenner, May 03, 2002, 07:36:27 AM

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Lisa Brenner

Manufacturers I.D. # on title matches what's on the bike: 5430767342. Engine # 5430003010
Ceriani forks made in Italy   ARCES  
Some people are emailing me saying it is a 1973 and to change my listing on eBay. Original owner was Henry (Hank) Green from Knoxville who worked at or owned a Harley shop in Knoxville & I have a photograph of him riding our 250 - on the back of photo says: Stone Mountain Nat'l. Original Title signed by Mr. Green says bike was NEW and purchased early '74. All of Mr. Greens specs., maintenance records, etc. are dated in early months of '74....a note back from Tom Penton, I do have service bulletins dated from Oct. '73 but also some from March '74. One hand written Spec.-timing change sheet of paper says rec'd back from Penton 2-26-74. One instruction book that came with the bike was printed Feb., 1974....another one(small yellow) part no. 850-250 CMF July, 1973. It all boils down to what the numbers on the bike are. Any help with this descrepancy would be appreciated. -Lisa



The bike was made in July of 1973.  I don't believe that any 1974's were yellow, they were red.  If the bike was sold towards the end of the year, it may have been titled a 74.  I would say that it is a 1973, very desirable for a collector, 1st year and the yellow color being a one year deal.


Lisa Brenner

Quotequote:Thanks the 3= '73 and the 07= the month of July and then like you said the Gold color of the tank....great, thanks! I'll change that on the listing. Appreciate yours and Dwight's help. -Lisa
The bike was made in July of 1973.  I don't believe that any 1974's were yellow, they were red.  If the bike was sold towards the end of the year, it may have been titled a 74.  I would say that it is a 1973, very desirable for a collector, 1st year and the yellow color being a one year deal.