Craigslist 73 250

Started by Bob Bean, December 06, 2011, 08:56:04 AM

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Bob Bean

Heres a 73 250 penton listed on Craigs list In Plymouth Ind.
(hour from here) Can help out if needed.

Bob Bean

1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany

1970 125 Six Day
1973 100 Berkshire
1973 Jackpiner 175
1974 Penton 250 Harescrambler
1976 Husky 250CR
1985 Husky 400WRX
1985 Husky 400WR
1986 ISDE Italy
1987 ISDE Poland
1989 ISDE Germany


i just got off the phone with him. honorable guy. he has someone looking at it today that he is giving first crack at it and if not sold to him i told him i would take it. thanks bob bean for the post.
 chi jer