January 2012 POG meeting

Started by Paul Danik, January 02, 2012, 05:59:36 PM

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Paul Danik


    We will be having the first POG meeting of the new year on Thursday January 5th.  The meeting will be held in the KTM building, Amherst, Ohio, beginning at 7 pm.

   As always, you do not need to be a member to attend.

Hope to see you there.

joe novak

Hello, I just sorted out most of my POG minutes, notes, and other Penton info.   I was looking for info on the upcoming POG meeting at the Pachard Museum in Warren, Ohio...   Emptied my bag, and ready for another exciting season of POG.   Hope to see everyone at the meeting.   joe



That was another wonderful POG meeting last night. [:p]
     The POG has been in business for 14 years now and there is no other motorcycle club like it. We have some of the most influential "who's who" of the off road motorcycle world that are members and even show up at our meetings. Last night there was Doug Wilford, Larry Maiers, Jack Penton, John Penton, and even Al Born in attendance.
     When we were discussing the latest issue of our newsletter about the Penton short tracker bike, Larry Maiers started talking about it and then shifted his gears (without using the clutch)and the topic became riding the Six Days at the Isle of Mann. Jack Penton then jumped in talking about riding the road race special test on the last day of that event. He had problems with starting his bike when his class was on the start line and was the last one to take off.    
     Needless to say, he did a lot of passing and high speed turns with knobby tires on the street course through the town. He managed to take 2nd place at the finish and missed taking first in his class by just a few inches. He credited Carl Crank for the success of his win because Carl tuned and ported his engine. He then stated (and Larry confirmed) that Carl Crank won overall in his class by a wide margin. After that Six Day event, Jack said that Carl's bike was shipped back to California and shortly after it arrived, Carl used that bike to compete in an off-road event without having to do any engine work on it. Can you imagine riding your bike in a Six-Days event and not rebuilding the engine when it was over?!!![:0]
     I ommitted a lot of the details that Larry and Jack shared with everyone and am grateful that Paul Danik allowed them to go on. That is the neet thing about our meetings. We never know what is going to go on at times. There is an agenda to follow and business items to present and discuss but if John, Jack, Larry, or other "celebs" at our meeting start talking, we let them go and listen - as long as they don't go too far out in right or left field.

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Al, I couldn't agree more. I happen to have the pleasure of sitting between Jack and John Penton during that meeting. The impromptu Isle of Man story was a treasure. The other treasure was John telling me about his recent "construction" work accidents with his dump truck and shovel. "You know" John said, " I have a high threshold for pain!"
Now there is some news for STILL KEEPING TRACK!
The meetings are priceless and anyone who has a chance to attend should. I am sure Mark Plank from Texas, Mr. "Thrown Chain' Dan Killian and our Aussie friend would agree, no distance is too far compared to the conversation, information and friends gained during a POG event

Conrad Pfeifer
1972 Penton Six Days
Conrad Pfeifer
of Mars PA, Home of The Paul Danik Presidential Library


I agree with your comments, it was a great meeting and really enjoyed the story.  For you out of town members it would be great if you could visit the area on a meeting night.


I'd like to make more meetings, but it's 14 hours round trip. Not that the experiences aren't worth it, but as to a cost per meeting, not feasable on a regular basis. If I could work it out where I'm delivering bikes to the meeting on a regular basis, then that would make it more practicle. [8D]