Attn Hank Rinehart

Started by Paul Danik, January 27, 2012, 04:15:58 AM

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Paul Danik


   I had an email from you this morning that looked suspicious.  There was no subject listed and all the warning signs were there.  I just deleted it, wanted to let you and the others know in case there is a problem.

Take care,


Thanks Paul, To all in the Penton community, My Hotmail account has been hacked and sent out a bunch of e-mails during the night. I closed that account this morning and am now using my g-mail account. I will update my profile with my new account. I'm sorry for any inconvienence this has caused. Any e-mails from me in the future from a hotmail account are bogus!

Hank Rinehart
Hank Rinehart