Indy Dealer Show

Started by Jack Penton, January 31, 2012, 08:59:00 AM

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Jack Penton

The AMA will have have a booth at the Indianapolis Motorcycle Dealer Expo February 17th - 19th. The theme of the display will include the Hall of Fame and there are Hall of Fame autograph sessions scheduled. Dad and I will be there to sign autographs and the AMA would like to put a Penton motorcyle in the booth.

Does anyone out there have a nice steel tanker that they would be willing to bring to Indy for the booth?

If you would like to help please let me know as soon as possible.




Can't wait to see you guys here!  My steel tanker however is nowhere nice and missing an engine!

74 250 Hare scramble
68 Six Day
74 250 Hare scramble
73 CMF 6day
68 6day V213

Dwight Rudder

Sorry that I will miss you this year.  I will be attending the Nat'l Enduro in Georgia.  Why is the AMA allowing major National events the same weekend as the big Indy Dealer Expo. I had quite a few dealers going to expo until they found out that it conflicted with the Dallas SX and the Ga. Nat'l Enduro. That includes myself. The Expo has a date set over a year in advance. The AMA should make every attempt to work Nat'l Racing around that date so more dealers would attend the show. The Show is important for Dealers to attend so they can have better knowlege of products and bring the best to their customers, so they can stay in business. Without dealers , where would we buy our new bikes ?  Dealers bring more people into the sport. Isn't that how most of us became enthusisists ?

Mike Schulz

Hello Mr Penton,
We would be willing to loan V2080 -  a 1970 six day steel tanker for your use in February.  We could e mail you some photos and you could let us know the logistics and if V2080 meets your requirements. Let us know how to reach you. Our e mail is [email protected] and weekday daytime phone is (630)671-2368. After 5:00 we can be reached at (630)893-1273.
Mike and Karen Schulz

G Ellis

Jack how about using 007 ??? Call Dave Sanders. Later Gary Ellis


I Can bring mine. 618-943-7074.   Dave