image posting

Started by OhioTed, February 19, 2012, 03:30:47 PM

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Bill & Karen have been over this with us a bunch of times, but thanks to Karen I finally understand it (I think).

Say you've spotted a cool (non-copywrited) image on the web and you want to share it with the POG group.  First, start a new Post (or add to an existing one), and click on the Insert Image icon on the Format toolbar of your post.  The following will appear in your post message: img img.  Put your cursor in the middle.

Then, right-click on the image you want to add.  Click on Properties in the pop-up menu which appears.  Now, in the Properties pop-up menu which appears, you're looking for Address:(URL).  Hi-lite the URL address, then right-click, and click Copy.  

Go back to your post, make sure the cursor is still in-between the two img things, then right-click and click Paste.  

And, you're done.  Remember, you've got to click Preview in order to see the results of your efforts.  Note that you may not have to go through Properties every time, but no matter what, you've got to access the URL address.  Might seem like a lot, but it's really not.  Try it.

One more note:  If you're want to load your personal pictures, or if you want to/need to edit the images before posting, you've got to first load them on to a "sharing" site, like Photobucket.  From there it's a matter of following the same process of copying and pasting the URL address.  Go for it.  Everybody loves to see pics.