Ohio Valley BSA reliability run

Started by johnacapp, August 07, 2012, 08:48:45 AM

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To all,
This weekend "August 10,11 & 12", BSA club 31st annual rally, Toronto Ohio.

Heard that it is a great time from others, this will be my first time there.

Are any other POG members going?

FYI all motorcycles welcome....

For flyer go to //www.bsa-club-ov.hailwood.com
John Capp

paul a. busick

OH YEAH! Would not miss it. The PE gets to log a few needed miles.  Lots'a fun :)
Amherst Paul

dennis brown

i will be there hope others can go, it is a good time

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Amherst Paul,
Always great to meet a fellow POGGER, hope to see you there.
Maybe we can share a few trails together.
John Capp

paul a. busick

 I'll be there Fri. and camp over.  Driving a white Ford van with rail trailer and 3 PE Suzuks.  
  Just got off the phone with Ted Guthrie.  He said that all is ready to go for the RR and unless the weather does us dirty, it will be a lot of fun.
  Speaking of PEs. 2 of the 3 that I will have there will be for sale.  Thinning the herd to make more room stuff.
   See you all there. :D
Amherst Paul


Missed you guys?
This was my first BSA ride, GREAT fun GREAT people,
Got to Cable's creek later than I wanted to missed the rider's meeting. Rode the reliability run hooked up with some fun loving guys from Maryland had a blast, hung out after checked out the swap meet and aution.
Hope to see ya next spring?
John Capp

dennis brown

i rode the bsa event and it was a lot of fun. more miles and some very nice trail riding. sadly i did not see a single penton!

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


I would love to ride my Penton.
What started out as a hobby, get an old bike and restore/ride it has now become can I go one step further and get it plated? So I'm working towards that.
I resently rode the hanging rock dual sport near Logan Ohio, I was inspired by a guy on a vintage Husky, an though HOW COOL is that! Next thought was I could do that! Just the legal system stands in my way? Trying to turn a bill of sales into a title and a plate.
John Capp

dennis brown

with just a few more wood sections that would be a great place for  a ahrma  isdt reunion. in the fall i will be looking for a 260 penton hs for vintage class 74-75

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown


Dennis, I had to cut out from the BSA event right after completing the Reliability Run, and didn't return until Sunday.  How did you like the ride?  Did you get lost at all?  Stevie and I rode about an hour ahead of you guys, making sure all was ok, and that all the arrows were still up.  We had no problems, how about you?

Just for pure fun, I rode my 1977 Honda XL175 then entire weekend.  Friday to put up arrows, Saturday to ride the event, and Sunday to take down arrows.  It beat the crap out of me, but ran like a champ.  

Clark worked really hard at securing some new trail sections for us.  Gets kinda political, though.  Believe it or not, except for one woods section which is on private land, all the trail sections are actually public roads.  Yep, long ago abandoned, but still technically "Township" roads.  Unfortunately, with these "roads" long abandoned, local residents tend to regard the terminus points as their property, and as such put up a fuss.  And so, in the interest of good relations, Clark leans toward acquiesence.  As a result we missed out on some great sections.  

Such of course is the reality of land usage.  Everybody owns everything these days - or so they think.  Locals have even gone so far as to posting, and even erecting fences across these township roads.  It is only through Clark's extensive efforts that legal access is maintained, which in turn permits the Reliability Run to take place.  LOTS of work goes on behind the scenes, by one dedicated fellow just so we can go out and ride some trail.  

I may be a bit biased due to my personal involvement, but I happen to think the OVBSAOC's twice-annual Reliability Runs are excellent Dual Sport rides, in every way, shape, and form.  For all you guys who have yet to attend, or have been away for a while - you're missing out.  Hey, we're all getting older by the day.  Get out and ride those bikes while you still can!

For those of you who don't know him, that's Clark on the far right, handing out the bike show trophies on Sunday.  Also in pic is current OVBSAOC President, John Shultz - on left, in gray shirt, waving.  Plus, club secretary Keith Barnett - green shirt, straw hat.  Super folks, one and all.

dennis brown

ted i had a great time! i rode with chris, dell and a man on a honda i do not know his name. i think chris won the class i was put in modern class by mistake and came in second i did not care what class i was in,this was the first time i did not get lost at least once during the ride. marking was great.the trail was great and dirt roads fun.next i could not ride the spring run because it was same weekend as unadilla c.c .will be back next yrs thanks clark and other that layed it out dennis

dennis l.brown
dennis l.brown