Rachel Gutish ISDE Womans Trophy Team

Started by G Ellis, July 28, 2012, 05:23:28 PM

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G Ellis

This is a young girl of 16 yrs old going to her first ISDE. Lives in Terra Haute IN. There is going to be a Fund raiser M/C Trail Ride  Aug 18 2012 9 AM TO 5 pm Location SIMS TRAINING FACILITY  Take hwy 231 Greencastle/Putnam county court house, go south 1 block to Walnut St., west on Walnut to 300 W. turn right. Follow 300 W. to 325 W. turn right. Follow 325 W. approx. 2 miles to site. Door prizes, 50/50 drawing. for info Call/Text Rob 317 213 3841.  :)I am going to Germany to help her. :)        Hope to see you there Gary Ellis


Just stumbled across this post Gary. From what I read, it sounds like Rachel houred out. Tell her to keep her head up. She's got a lot of years left to race. Her times were very respectable and weren't too far off of Mandi's pace either by the looks of it. Hope you are enjoying your time in Germany. Take care.

Joe Cartwright

"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
\\"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.\\"
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson

brian kirby

Sarah Whitmore was doing very well too until she broke her hand. I cant imagine going to the ISDE at 16, amazing.
