2012 ISDT Reunion Ride Info- Updated !!

Started by slvrbrdfxr, August 18, 2012, 01:02:32 PM

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Hi all,

It's hard to believe but the 2012 ISDT Reunion Ride will be here be before you know it !! The Tulsa Trail Riders are once again looking forward to hosting the event at the John Zink Ranch in Sand Springs, OK on October 27th and 28th. If you've never been to this event before we encourage riders of all skill levels to come and join in the fun !!  Even if you choose not to ride that's okay and just plan to come spectate and join us for the Saturday night banquet. I wanted to remind everyone that once again this year the race entry forms go directly to AHRMA which collects the entry fee for racing only. The tickets for the Saturday night banquet are $25 per person and must be paid separately to the club. It would help our preparations tremendously if you could please pay for all needed banquet tickets by the race pre-entry deadline of October 12th. The banquet will be held at the Bridle Creek Horse Ranch in Sperry, OK which is 5 miles due east from the Zink Ranch and very easy to find. The banquet ticket mailing address and other info is available at the AHRMA website or just click on the event flyer link attached below. I also wanted to mention that there will be onsite concession available at Zink from the Rock 4H Club and Rock Fire Auxiliary. They will have lunch and dinner available for purchase on Friday Oct 26th, and then breakfast and lunch available for purchase on Sat/Sun Oct 27th and 28th so please plan to help support them as well. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me through the site or call me at the phone number listed at the bottom of the event flyer.

One last thing I want to put in a plug for. There is a very fun and unique motorcycle racing event taking place about an hour west of Tulsa on the weekend following the ISDT RR. It's an annual event called the Oklahoma Gold Rush and will take place Nov 2nd ,3rd and 4th at the Hallett Motor Racing Circuit. This is grand prix style race that combines 8 miles of off road trail and 1.5 miles on the asphalt road course. They have classes for all different types of machines including a couple vintage classes. This event is run by the McDonald family which owns K&N Yamaha here in Tulsa. Their family has a great racing heritage and they put on a first class event. Rumor has it that the OK Gold Rush could become an AHRMA event in the near future too so if you're traveling this far you might just want to stick around and give it a try. Attached below are a couple links with info to the event.

Thanks and look forward to seeing everyone real soon !!

Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders






I don't know if you were at the ISDT RR last year, but Guy Cooper was there and he mentioned something about opening up his museum for folks the Friday before the 2012 ISDT RR. He might have even said something about riding at his place, too. Do you have any information on this? Just trying to plan for vacation days and whether or not I need to take that Friday off. Thanks for any insight you can offer.

Joe Cartwright

"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
\\"Do not go where the path may lead.  Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.\\"
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson


Yes I rode the RR last year and remember that too. I have not followed up with him on that subject but will try to contact Guy and see if he is still willing to open his museum. I'll make a post if it can be arranged. Sorry to say, but we were not able not make arrangements to have the Zink Musuem open the weekend of the ride.
Dave McC


Hi All,
I talked to Guy Cooper last week and he has offered to open the museum at his house on Friday afternoon to those attending the ISDT RR. He also said people are welcome to ride the 6 mile trail loop on his property to jet their bikes if needed. I can't find his address right now but will post that info shortly.
Dave McCullough


Hi All,
I talked to Guy Cooper tonight and the museum at his house will be open to tour on Friday Oct.26, 2012 for those attending the ISDT RR. He plans to be there all day and so feel free to call him and go check out all the cool stuff he has. His place is about a 1 hour drive from the Zink Ranch. Guy also said people are welcome to ride the groomed 5 mile trail loop on his property to jet their bikes or just for fun. His address is 7221 W. 19th Ave Stillwater, OK and his phone number is 405-880-1023.
Dave McCullough


Hi all,
The pre-entry list is now posted on the AHRMA website.
Dave McC


Hi all,
Looking forward to seeing everyone next week out at Zink. The trail and MX track are complete and it should be alot of fun. The price of regular unleaded(10% ethenol)in the Tulsa area is currently at $3.09/gallon and has been steadily dropping over the past 2 weeks so I'm hoping it will go even lower to help everyone that is traveling a long distance to get here. For those who plan to purchase fuel locally to use in their bikes during the RR, there are many stations around the Tulsa area that still sell ethenol-free gasoline. The 91 octane ethenol-free gasoline can be found at Shell, Sinclair and some of the Phillips 66 stations. Drive safely and see you at the ranch !!
Dave McCullough