Trip down memory lane....

Started by Paul Danik, October 31, 2012, 09:05:25 PM

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Paul Danik


In looking for some photos for an upcoming project, I looked through the pictures from past POG events that are in the POG photo gallery, what a treasure chest of memories and information it truly is.  If any of you haven't looked at the photos I would highly recommend that you do.  The vast quantity of photos of Pentons, Penton memorabilia, Penton historic sights and Penton folks is quite an asset to the POG.

If you look at a photo and have a question about a pictured machine or whatever, just post a link to the photo and surly some answers will come your way. The link below will take you to the POG photo gallery, enjoy.


rob w

Never was so much Penton memorabilia assembled at one time, in one location, than the 40th celebration. It was incredibly great.

I can only hope we would have the opportunity to do it again someday.

There needs to be a permanent Penton motorcycle museum, for the future generations. I would rather donate my gatherings, than trust what might happen to them after I depart.


There are more photos coming. I have just finished putting headings on a bunch of photos that came to the POG from Al Born's collection that his son John loaned to Paul Danik. Paul had them scanned and put on CDs. These were viewed at the October POG meeting. I was able to sort out and identify many of these photos from the comments made during the viewing.

These are being mailed to our web master, Bill Smith, to put on our photo page. [:p]

Alan Buehner
Alan Buehner


Last week I put the Penton DVDs on and watched John at his house, the group meeting at the AMA, the Reunion Ride in Ma.  Now I can watch them and know who the people are and can say I've been there and met them.