Started by slvrbrdfxr, November 16, 2012, 03:28:40 PM

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Hi all,
Just wanted to say thank you to all of the riders and spectators who made it to the ISDT RR at the John Zink Ranch this year. Hope everyone had as much fun as I did !! We had a great turn out of over 155 riders some of whom traveled a great distance to attend. There were riders from as far away as British Columbia(Canada), California, Washington, Florida, South Carolina and New Jersey to name a few and so once again I'd like to say thanks to all for coming. I also wanted to thank the Rock Fire Dept and Rock 4H Club for the great concessions they provided during the weekend and for helping us take care of the few injuries that occurred. Also wanted to give a big thanks to the Zink Foundation, Darton Zink, Bill Pride (Zink Ranch Foreman) and Autumn Lancaster (Zink Foundation) for allowing us to use the ranch and its facilities once again this year. Thanks to Jack Penton and Jeff Debell for sharing the emcee duties at the banquet. Last but not least, this event would not have been possible without all of the hard work by an army of volunteers !! My sincere appreciation and thanks goes out to all of the TTR club members, AHRMA volunteers and anyone else who pitched in to make this event a success !! I had a tremendous amount of support from the TTR club members, not only cutting trail leading up to the event, but selling t-shirt, riding sweep, working all of the checkpoints/MX grass track throughout the weekend and then cleaning up the pavilion and pulling down all the trail arrows after the event ended. There were also many AHRMA volunteers who stepped up to man the sign-in tables, tech inspections, ride sweep and etc all weekend too. All of the volunteers did a great job of doing whatever was needed and ensured everyone had a blast !! Take care and once again thank you to everyone for all the hard work and effort that went into making this event possible !! Hopefully we'll see everyone back out at the ranch in a few years for another good time !!
Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders