Steel barrel rings

Started by Mike Lenz, April 05, 2016, 02:12:37 PM

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Mike Lenz

Will a steel barrel piston work in the alloy cylinder.  the piston looks to have aluminum rings, or they are just that color?  were those pistons and rings ok?


I ran one in my 100 , the rings were metal but not chromed on the top ring like the later pistons .

Paul Danik

Hi Mike,

   I have no first hand experience with your situation/question. But, I do have some OEM pistons of various sizes for the alloy cylinders sitting in a drawer. I would be glad to try to help you if you care to go this route.

[email protected]


Mike Lenz

Was that a steel barrel piston you ran in your 100 alloy cylinder?


yes the rings sit lower on the piston and the top ring is non chrome  L-ring