Cover of Dirt Cycle Dec. 1973

Started by paul a. busick, February 15, 2013, 03:36:56 PM

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paul a. busick

To: Dewight Rudder. Sir, I have a copy of the Dec. 1973 Dirt Cycle Mag with a cover picture of a rider on a Husky maneuvering a water crosing.  The number on the Husky is 284.  That # identifies the rider as one Ed Schmidt. But I think it looks more like one Dewight Rudder then Mr. Schmidt.  Any comment? Your truly, Amherst Paul [}:)]

Daniel P. McEntee

If it's a photo from the Dalton ISDT, then it's most likely Ed Schmidt. I tried goodling up the mag to see if I could see the cover but no luck. I know both gentleman, and could tell the difference. I don't think Dwight rode the ISDT prior to 1974? Wish I could see a scan of the cover.
  Type at you later,
  Dan McEntee

paul a. busick

Dan,  Send me your email address and I'll send you a jpeg of the cover.  I too know both fellows.  You will see what I mean when you get the jpeg photo.  Amherst Paul