off brand fuel leak

Started by imported_n/a, March 31, 2013, 10:42:37 AM

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Happy East all! Started my 84 kdx200 yesterday and it's venting fuel through the grommet containing the ignition wires on that side. Removed ignition side case and 1/3 cup fuel drained off. She starts and runs pretty well though. Base gasket? Where to look for root cause??

Thanks as always,

Chris H.

74 Six Day
84 KDX 200


Leaked from the carb down into the motor, then thru the crank seal into the cover?


i agree with thrownchain. leaked through the carb into the bottom end.  when it was kicked over, it forced the liquid through the seal since liquid won't compress. i have seen con rods get bent from this condition.  make sure that you turn off your gas and i would check it to make sure that it doesn't leak through. i would pull the carb too to make sure that you don't have any gunk under your float needle.
chi jer
