Fork Questions

Started by Jdbglover, June 14, 2002, 02:42:43 AM

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In reading the maintenance manual it states that the forks should be cleaned with a solvent, what is recommended as a cleaning solvent.  What weight fork oil and brand is recommended for a 75 Jack Piner (riders weight 185 and easy trails)? Has anybody converted the loose ball bearings for the steering head to timken roller bearings? And what is timken bearing number? Last question for now, in looking at the exploded picture of the 35 mm cerani forks one sees a small spring and ball (items 4 & 5) in the picture, I did not find these in the fork, are they possibly in the fork caps?

Thank you for your help.

John Glover


john durrill

John ,
 We used mineral spirits to clean out the fork tubes. followed buy compressed air.
Yor  riding style would determin your weight of fork oil. you can start with ATF and work down. Dwight told me that he was useing 7.5 weight in his. it softed up the small bumps and still left enought for the big ones
 You can convert to Tapered roller bearings . I can get you a web address for the supplier.  you will need to buy two sets as the sets sold only come with one of the right size bearings for our Pentons.
We were unable to find any suppliers for the bearings but the outfit i mentioned.
There is a ball and spring in the cap nut. its to let off preasure instead of blowing the seals out.
 John D.



Thank You, very much for your reply.  It was greatley appreciated.

John Glover




I would like the web address of the supplier for the tapered roller bearings, even if I must purchase to sets to have a complete set.
Again thank you.

John Glover


john durrill

John here is the web page with the chart of bearings by size. its the second one form the top.
JOhn D.